Time will tell the extent of intent behind this attack - but it is an attack on America. It is an act of war and should be treated as such. That does not mean a nuclear response - but it certainly means an immediate severing of all ties-that-bind our interests with their interests. Time to begin building the Liberty Ships once again - across every industry.
This is also a gift to those in America who genuinely believe in Jeffersonian Liberty.

But we should go further. In the name of 'defending ourselves against COVID-19' (sure, ok - it's as good an excuse as any) .Gov should immediately STOP SPENDING money on the same malignant tumors in our society who are the real problem. Cut off all food stamps - now. Do not cut another SSDI check. Stop all the payments to the filthy parasites living on Welfare Lane and working in .Gov jobs that are nothing more that work programs for those people who could never get or hold a job in the private sector. And for the love of God, it is time - and an ideal opportunity - to dismiss the leftists among us.
Under the cry of America First as we plunge unavoidably into this economic abyss that will fundamentally alter America, real change can be recognized. We can shed the dead weight. "If you don't work, you don't eat" can once again become a truism, not an obsolete notion.
America First. It's time to do Patriot shit...
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