Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, October 30, 2017

Mueller's Nothingburger...

Podesta stepping-down and shuttering The Podesta Group is very significant in the Swamp.

Here's the link.



Now let's see how long Mueller takes to report to DOJ that there is no there, there - at least as regards POTUS.

It'll be very interesting from an inside-baseball perspective, to see if he expands his probe into Dems, or if he just walks away.


  1. "It'll be very interesting from an inside-baseball perspective, to see if he expands his probe into Dems……"
    You've lost all sensible perspective.
    You really have.

    cav medic

  2. "It'll be very interesting from an inside-baseball perspective, to see if he expands his probe into Dems……"
    The rule of law is long dead in America.
    It's only in effect, when the ruling elite and
    their foot soldiers of the treasonous Uniparty
    are on the attack, solely for their personal
    interests and gain.

    cav medic

  3. Some of the evidence collected during the no knock raid was gathered illegally as it was not on the warrant.


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