Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Live: Boston

Joe Biggs Twitter Feed - he's in Boston. Here

Thanks, CavMed.


  1. Of course, the only violence occurring
    is the communists attacking, and running
    off, anyone who is trying to attend the
    Free Speech Rally.
    Where are the oathkeeper blowhards now?
    The pontificating posers, with their long rifles and drowning in tacitfool gear, are nowhere
    to be found.
    Someone must have told beef Stew, that another Predator attack would be unleashed.
    That would make it three Hellfire attacks
    on citizens since 2014.
    Wait a minute.

    cav med

  2. Link to live feed from Joe Biggs,
    who spoke at Free Speech Rally.
    His live feed is a must read.
    They have been surrounded all
    morning, by at least a factor of 20 - 1.
    He tweeted that the police have stood
    down and they are desperately trying
    to figure out how to exfil, as they are
    again being attacked.


    cav med

  3. The police had to load them
    into 'paddy wagons' to get them
    out safely.
    That is what the commies were
    blocking the road in force, as seen in
    live aerial shot.

    cav med

  4. NBC "news" live aerial view feed: http://www.nbcnews.com/video/watch-live-alt-right-free-speech-rally-1028192323684

    cav med

  5. I haven't seen any coverage of the actual speeches given by the rally organizers, yet - only the protests.

    1. Same here.
      Right Side Broadcasting was
      cycling through multiple live feeds
      and found one broadcasting from
      the FSR, but Joe Biggs was just finishing,
      so it moved on to another feed.

      cav med

  6. This week, in Durham, North Carolina,
    commies - 2, FreeFor (what, I don't know) - 0.

    Duke University removes statue of Robert E. Lee: http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-duke-university-confederate-statue-20170819-story,amp.html

    cav med


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