Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, October 9, 2016


...was just raped in the no-no on television and Donald left no fingerprints or DNA..

That is all,


  1. So true, but also add all of the RINO defectors that will all probably lose their elections in your analysis.

    1. I'd rather have 10 Bernie's than 1 EINO. At least Bernie is honest about what he wants. ;)

  2. Good. RINO's are like Welfare Patriots...

  3. Serious rope-a-dope tonight.

  4. That was brutal - and Donald didn't 'beat up a girl' - I am not sure I have EVER seen a better beating. And I have been in the beating business for decades...

    1. I have some time to day - I'm going to watch it again, just because... #BeatHillaryBloody

  5. Trump beat the political establishment tonight.

    You beat the III establishment last week. :)

  6. Filthy wretch got a taste of what she deserves to drown in - naked, forceful loathing and total contempt, without pause or end... FOREVER. The only thing missing was the Just and necessary caning, from head to toe.

    Or in other words, Hillary - Go straight to Hell; do not pass [Go] and do not collect $200. Fugg'ya!!

    And for all her supporters who will snivel and whine about how nasty this comment is -
    Fugg'ya all, and go straight to hell right along with her.

    Time's soon acommin' when words will be backed with firm, immediate actions. Woe to all the progressive filth when said day arrives...


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