Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why Trump v. Bloomberg is a Goodness Thing...

PJB - here.


  1. Heh. When evil combats evil, evil always wins.

    What little good might come of it, would be in the form of a sharply rent veil which would reveal those supposed "conservatives" who really aren't any such thing...

    And, from the perspective of the far left, Bloomberg would make an excellent object for another Sirhan Sirhan drama...

    And yes, I expect such to happen as part of the 2016 electoral festivities. It's not a (communist) party, if it doesn't end with a bang?

    1. Trump v. Bloomberg would do more to wake up more people than anything any Patriot could ever do. Other edge of the sword - it will harden lines and bring brothers to once again punch brothers...

    2. Well, we're in need of some fire-hardening, that's for sure - but do you really believe that two pompous asses stumping for a political nod will really accomplish that? Because the level of appathy I sense with regard to the value/effectiveness of politicians (any of them) is damn profound hereabouts, with the notable exception of the Far-and-away Left and their enthusiasm for Sanders.

      I'm not saying I can't be off in my assessment, I'm just saying that here in the southeast, there is very little "energy" in the sentiments for the presidential race, even for Trump. Sanders is the only one getting any excitement - and even that appears limited to certain redoubtable enclaves of white guilt...

      Regardless, we're going to have far more than just an 'election' to pit brother against brother. Just like in '68, they have an entire three ring circus ready to excite the masses... I expect "terrorism", riots, and probably even an assissination, to spice up the populist stew, before the polls open for early-fradulent voting in October.

      Welcome to the jungle...

    3. Oh, no chance they will do anything except upset 'the Establishment' while tearing the mask off further for a portion of the populace. As the captain would say - time to fasten seat belts and put tray tables back in place.

    4. Oh, no chance they will do anything except upset 'the Establishment' while tearing the mask off further for a portion of the populace. As the captain would say - time to fasten seat belts and put tray tables back in place.

    5. Heh, both Bloomberg and Trump are unshriven and proud of it, that's for sure. And for that simple fact I must agree - they will tear many a mask away amongst the public. The drama will be epic, and it will not all be vicarious, either.

      As Dickens wrote so prophetically, “The time was to come, when that wine too would be spilled on the street-stones, and when the stain of it would be red upon many there.”

      Such times reward the bold, and the careful, each after their own fashion. And I would that you ascertain which you are afore time, lest you miss both callings.

      Faciet illud magnificam, sed idoneus imperator est.
      Malita se circo est, sed orationes; arbitrium facit est.

      Cum in medio inferni, nolite stare sed, Vade! Vade! Perserva!

  2. Live stream audio Malheur refuge. Apparently FBI is going for it.



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