Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


For McConnell:

Ammon calls on Patriots to stand down - here.

Questions - 


The McConnell Enigma: We have questions regarding McConnell - why is his FB so new?  Here.  Question EVERY F'N Thing.

Consider this:  (My deepest gratitude to the genuine III Patriot who sent this link, and many others, and all of you serious Patriots who are contributing.)

What they face at the moment:  (up to 6 years)

US Code Title 18 Section 372


      If two or more persons in any State, Territory, Possession, or
    District conspire to prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat,
    any person from accepting or holding any office, trust, or place of
    confidence under the United States, or from discharging any duties
    thereof, or to induce by like means any officer of the United
    States to leave the place, where his duties as an officer are
    required to be performed, or to injure him in his person or
    property on account of his lawful discharge of the duties of his
    office, or while engaged in the lawful discharge thereof, or to
    injure his property so as to molest, interrupt, hinder, or impede
    him in the discharge of his official duties, each of such persons
    shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six
    years, or both.

Jon R. Video - FB - Here.  He was in Arizona and has surrendered himself for the same charges as Ammon & Co.

PPN Press Release - Here.

~~A separate FB video - this guy was on-scene - here.

More to follow.  Reports are all over the place from multiple sources.


Clinton Foundation & Hammond Ranch?  Here


  1. Ammon, Ryan Bundy, Ryan Payne and Booda were the four arrested.

    Santilli is possibly under arrest also.

    1. Any reports on who died? I am getting very conflicting reports.

    2. Any reports on who died? I am getting very conflicting reports.

  2. FBI confirms 1 dead

  3. O'Shaughnessy was just picked up seperately.

  4. La Voy Finicum is the one being identified as deceased.

  5. Blaine is still at the refuge and is saying he wont leave. This is from the live stream vid.

  6. No reports of Jon R. whereabouts.

  7. Shawna Cox was also arrested.

  8. With luck no kids will be harmed, Bundy et al will serve life sentences and their assets will be seized. A tip of the hat to law enforcement and the patiently long-suffering locals. A pox on Bundy and his ilk.

    1. Paul - You Sir are a dick.

    2. Thanks for your support gentlemen, but the adults are in the building now.

  9. Oh are my comments not approved? The brave patriots in their clubhouse. Hope you brought snacks this time.

  10. Goodnight Mr. Moderator. You need to pick your friends (and your causes) with a little more care. A little slice of good tonight. More to come.

    1. Paul - you are done here.

    2. Douche canoe is just upset more blood wasn't spilled. His will be, one day, I am sure :)

    3. Ha, fucktard got banned here, so he went over to WRSA. Tighty whiteys must be in a bunch for him to waste so much time being an antagonist.

  11. State media is not reporting anything.
    Those whores are pretending the incident
    does not exist.
    It is possible that
    treasonous shitbags
    in DC are worried
    about angry and lethal blowback.
    What a fucking disgrace that
    the a news/journalism source
    on the other side of the planet
    is reporting this.
    Update: Al Jazeera international
    is reporting that the ambush
    occurred at 4:20 PM local time,
    which would be close to 7:30 PM EST.
    This was almost four hours ago and still
    nothing from state media whores in
    the US, which makes it an official
    news blackout.

    1. Pete Santilli saying finocum had hands over head and was shot 3 times

    2. I thought I watched Santilli up until his arrest and didn't see that.

  12. Somebody on twitter is asking where Gary Hunt is.

  13. Michelle Fiore Twitter is confirming La Voy was shot with his hands up.

    1. Not sure if tweeting a belief on twitter is "confirmation." I hope video comes out.

    2. Half way down the article is confirmation Jason.


    3. I just see Fiore repeating her belief there, then ... "The FBI and Oregon State Police released few details of what happened in the shooting and Fiore's account couldn't be independently corroborated." I'd rather wait for facts.

    4. Bundy Ranch FB is saying the same thing.

      Bundy Ranch shared LaVoy Finicum's photo.
      1 hr ·

      Levoy Finicum was Shot and murdered in Cold blood today in Burns Oregon today by the FBI and State Law enforcement. He had his hands up and was shot 3 Times. This Man Is one of the best Patriots, Husband, Father, Grandfather, friend and Neighbor, that this world will ever know. Spread this far and wide!

    5. Hard to know if that's more than the usual blog/fb/twitter echo chamber (everyone just quoting each other) as opposed to something empirical. Could be true but hate to be a tool. I'm anxious to see what daylight brings.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Here you go. First hand account: https://www.facebook.com/mark.mcconnell.127648?pnref=story

    8. Using your logic this is still not a First hand account. He is relaying hearsay from Payne and Cox. He was NOT at the roadblock when the shooting happened. So until actual video shows up or Payne and Cox get to tell their story this is just more hearsay.

      What concerns me about this McConnell is he is not mentioned in any news reports. Why was he not taken to Portland with the rest? There is something not adding up about this guy. I've never seen him in any videos or photos. Where did he come from? There's an almost two week gap in his FB postings and then all of a sudden he is saying that he's the only eyewitness?

    9. TD: Agreed - still not a confirmed report.

    10. Fair point TD, though he appears much closer to the facts than incendiary social media posts. I'd keep the same stance as yesterday: wait for clarity before committing to anyone's narrative.

    11. Totally agree Jason. Things are not adding up in many cases. listen to the statement from Victoria Sharp that was actually sitting next to Ryan Bundy in the back seat. She contradicts McConnell's entire story.

    12. The accounts were much the same, to my ears. The female seems only to add that Finicum’s hands were raised while yelling something like “just shoot me” as he moved toward LEO.

      If LEO knows you’ve said you’d rather die than be captured, and that you’re well armed, then you speed away from a night time stop and charge their roadblock with your truck, then exit and start approaching them, yelling, you can’t expect a good outcome, arms raised or not.

      It is tragic but, if that’s the true course of events, I can’t call it murder. Frankly, it sounds more like suicide.

    13. Let's see freedom of speech with hands up equals bullets flying. How many guns on the man and how close did he get to the officers. It is extermination of resisters and 1 by one they will kill and make excuses for there actions. Look up the definition of SUICIDE it not being blasted like a target at the weopens range by a group of mob. If pilots can not bomb tanker trucks in SYRIA because driver might get killed then why can po lice shoot men with hands up who might be killed. Silencing the voice that shows ththere crimes.

    14. Good questions. I imagine the answer involves threat assessment. Pilots don't face much danger from tanker trucks whereas LEO was here approached by someone with a known death wish, even yelling as much.

      Cannot say what was justified without full facts. But "suicide by cop" is not so unusual as to be impossible. Assume nothing.

  14. They take us out 1 by the night 1 like theives in the night

  15. 2 news agency saying Pete Santilli arrested his live streaming is on no pete he need a Pulitzer prize.

    1. His assistant has continued to stream, including Santilli's arrest.

    2. Santilli's a shill, best I can tell.
      It's standard proceedure to arrest the informant with the rest, so as not to blow his cover...

      We'll see what he's indicted for, and what his bail is; if they hang him out to dry then he's probably legit. Otherwise, he's an asset. Time and circumstances will reveal the truth...

  16. In case you missed it, sam culper has
    posted an article on oathkeepers, in
    which he describes the federal ambush,
    shootout and arrests of Malheur
    protesters resulted from "This evening, the FBI made a legal, felony stop on a vehicle carrying Ammon Bundy and several other individuals."
    Tonight LaVoy Finicum was added to the list of the most recently murdered by 'No More Free Wacos', alongside the names of Jack Yantis and
    former first grader, and autistic six year old,
    Jeremy Mardis.
    Those of you who don't add up to dry
    shit, you know who you are.

    1. 'A legal, felony stop...'

      Let's overlay the Culper timeline with the nearly immediate ramp-up of rhetoric, rumors and then, within days of his being inside the compound, the ambush of Bundy & Company.

      Some people might suggest Culper was among the last sets of FedGov eyes inside the compound before the ambush. Hmm...

      I know my readers can do basic arithmetic.

    2. Culper - what a joke.

      There is now a real No Fly Zone declared.


    3. Update on sam culper oathkeepers
      article from 26JAN: Without question, sam culper is an unethical and intellectually dishonest shitbag.
      See if you can spot the stalinist editorial modifications to the first sentence of the above mentioned article, "This evening, the FBI made a felony stop on a vehicle carrying Ammon Bundy and several other individuals."
      This modified sentence is not from a follow-up article to the one I mentioned yesterday.
      This editorial tinkering and tuning was done to the article posted by him on 26JAN.

  17. The Paul guy b one is he warden at tac hut up jumped a ranger from the coconut grove

  18. This has gone on long enough. Seal off the perimeter, jam the cell phones, allow NO ONE in, and cut off utilities. Let them know that if they have not caused any damage, any one of them can approach the perimeter, surrender his guns, and walk free between now and Sunday. That would be taking the moral high ground, it would negate their pretensions of martyrdom, and the whole situation ends with a whimper and not a bang.

    If they don't comply, just let them stew in their own juices. This militia nonsense is getting old.

  19. Two second blip about this on the local channel 4 station out of Spokanistan, at 5 AM, you know, when most people aren't watching...

    The Feds are definitely learning from their mistakes, I hope we are too.

  20. Reading the comments in the different publications makes me sick to my stomach. I suggest you stock up on ammo because there are a lot of traitors out there.

    1. When you're right, you're right. :)

    2. What's that you say, Miss V?
      A target rich environment?

      Well then, it ought to be simple enough to clog the plumbing with, right?

  21. *Grin* LT, you read my mind.

  22. At 9.30 central time live feed running at rescource center no invasion yet.

  23. At 9.30 central time live feed running at rescource center no invasion yet.

  24. I love the for McConnell meme.

    Others are starting to question who this guy was, where he came from and why was he enlisted to drive his vehicle with Ammon and the others in it. The fact he gives no location, has no friends and is "self employed" are all huge red flags to me.


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