Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Utilitarian Elegance for the Serious III Patriot

Coming to a Gun Shop near you!

...and ARs, too...

Acta non verba


  1. how can you PROVE that your a SERIOUS THREEPER, obviously by buying a gun from Kerodin. The gun on the surface seems nice, but to ascertain how patriotic or serious an individual is, should not be based on how willing they are to give someone money. If that were the case then I proclaim the US congress to be the most patriotic entity in the world. Semper fi patriots !

    1. Item the First: Kerodin the Mister has no guns to sell. Kerodin the Mrs. manages III Arms - and several very serious III Patriots are deeply involved in the project.

      Item the Second: No Kerodin earns a dime from ANY III Arms sale.

      Item the Third: You are absolutely correct - buying a III Arms pistol or rifle does NOT grant anyone entry into the III or provide bona fides - just as wearing a III t-shirt, ball cap, or posting Camel Toe pics while sitting on 3 erect fingers is not entry into the III.

      Acta non verba, my friends. Judge people by what they do - and do not. I have never found any other litmus test that works.

      The Kerodins said they'd help the community get a firearms company up and running. Promise delivered - again.


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