Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Shredding the Constitution - Literally



  1. Vassar, the Conservative bastion of......... I can't even bring myself to joke about this. WTF is wrong with these people? They will pick and choose what articles or amendments to cite when it progresses their agenda but as a whole it's evil.


  2. Yeah, I suppose it is sad, we have lost our country after all. But look at it this way, they are showing us exactly, EXACTLY, where they stand and what they mean to do to us that believe otherwise.
    I know it rests easier on my conscience to decide to give them No Quarter whatsoever, because they are out to subjugate or kill me and anyone who does not agree with their view of world/culture.

    1. No Quarter! For every USC they put through the shredder, we put one college professor through the wood chipper. :)

    2. Sounds like a party to me, I'll bring the bacon wrapped jalapenos and beer.

    3. Those jalapeños are worth heavy gold coins, for the record.

    4. Bacon and Jalepenos? The two main food groups! Damn!
      Can you email me the directions? I have a ton of jalepenos I picked this year.

    5. Tonedeaf check your email. Recipe sent. Enjoy!

  3. What are you going to say, they're Academia nuts...
    Remember, they've just about completed their "long march through the institutions", and the first one they took was the higher education system throughout Western Society.

    Every college and university in Europe and North America is a communist stronghold. Just face that fact, and understand the consequences... far reahing as they are.

    1. It is a sad state that we find our "higher education system" in these days. Special interest causes, Militant "womenists" that have more body hair than the feminized "males" that have to get a contract signed and notarized before he can get to 1st base. Can you imagine if they tried to do a remake of Animal House these days? ;)

  4. Stewie to be disbarred, who knows how many lawsuits or, and felony charges......what shall "not one more inch" sopesy say now? I say stewie is a felon abd can't be trusted.

  5. Drudge, reporting Che as a WN leader. Always thought there was a connection. Perhaps Sopsey stands in front of the mirror admiring himself as he gently smoothes out the wrinkles in his bed sheet and white pointy cap.

  6. According to the logic over at the frog cutters den.....We take no exception those in the community that have as part of their wardrobe a pillowcase for a cap, we meerly turn our nose to the assholes that wear a pillowcase for a hat. Failed logic, sick and tired of the WN culture in the community...chock full of it.


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