Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

235 Years Ago: The Battle of Kings Mountain

Here's the wiki.  When you have the time, dig deeper than wiki.

I encourage you to reflect on what was accomplished during that battle.

Incorporate the relevant points into your own Team.

You don't have a Team?  You should get on that.  Really.


  1. Probably the most important battle of the Revolution. It was fought between only Whig and Tory militia with British Major Patrick Ferguson the only regular soldier in the fight.

    I would like to recommend Wilma Dykeman's book, "The Battle of Kings Mountain 1780, With Fire and Sword". It is a cleaned up version of William Draper's account written in the early 1800's.

    Indeed. Got team? The secret to the future is the past.

  2. Thank you for the book recommendation Alan. I was disappointed that the actual book wasn't available at Amazon because of limited availability (it's out of print), but I did get a copy for my Kindle.

    Miss Violet

    1. You're very welcome. And if you ever get a chance, visit the battlefield. The National Park Service has done an excellent job of preserving the site and making improvements for visitors to take it all in. There is a small museum and theater on site as well to enhance the learning experience.

      I stop by there every chance I get. :-)

  3. Will try and arrange it during an upcoming trip to NC. It can't be that much of a drive.
    Miss Violet


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