Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Region X FTX: AAR

Sandman & Company recently held a very successful, multi-unit FTX in his Region.

Region X held a similar FTX last weekend.  Their AAR is below.  If you are a Region X Patriot and want to make contact with these folks, drop me an email and I'll facilitate the introduction.

Bravo Zulu to all involved on both sides of the country.  Keep 'doing' and ignore the provocateurs, trolls, losers and Hobbyists who don't have what it takes to hang with you.

AAR follows:

We ended up with 63 patriots participating. 

Multiple groups/units were represented from county militia units to sheepdogs and lightfoot and civilian defense groups all from south of Seattle to south of Portland, Or.  

Most had III among them. We were able to initiate Comsec and set up Baofeng as well as Ham comms for all from above Seattle to south of Portland. We are still working on a Ham net, but should be good to go by December. We have Face to Face allies now, and there was no drama or strife between all the different types of units, as all understood we had the same mission. 

Training was provided by the South Sound Civil Defense Group and was above excellent. They covered a lot in a short time: Comsec, dead drops, various code techniques, Combat 1st aid, Combat trauma and triage, wild edibles for our area, Primitive water filtration and more. 

We did glass house and entry/clearing rooms and then patrol with OPFOR . Everybody got a wound card and during training several were marked as wounded, treated and transported to the 1st aid station back at camp. 

Bonds between Patriots were made and the camp fire time lasted into the early mornings, with everybody rallying again around 0800.  We are working together as separate groups with a common goal. And commitments for further comms and training have been made. All left with more things to do to this end.


And That is how you do that, Patriots.

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