Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, September 21, 2015

Continued light posting

Just a heads-up that posting will continue to be limited for at least the next two weeks.  We are grateful to have another III Patriot with us in town this week, equipment deliveries continue, construction activity begins next week, we are consulting with several Patriots who are starting their own businesses, have the local AO Potluck this weekend, planning and logistics for the launch of the III Society Tour - along with typical daily training schedule and general life activities.  

We have a lot to accomplish on an aggressive timeline.  More III roll-outs in the queue, and updates on III Arms, III Comms, and more as warranted.

We'll post at least daily, but unless something significant happens, don't expect a lot of commentary or analysis.  Most of us are far beyond the need for perpetual discourse on the theory of Liberty - if you aren't getting your hands dirty right now to improve the chances of survival for your Tribe, you're late.

Train, folks.  Shoot, Move & Communicate.  Auxiliary.  Strategic Services.

Everything else is Squirrel! & Camel Toe!

Don't be the guy caught with Milfy Monday on the screen when SHTF...


  1. Have been lurking around for awhile, and have decided to cut back on some of the blogs I am following due to unneeded drama. That being said you are seeing this because I felt the need to tell you you did not make the cut. I rather follow someone's blog with a sense a humor then someone who barks orders and expect others to just fall in line. I know only you will see this, but felt you should know where your flaws are.


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