Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, August 24, 2015

III Arms

The design of the III slide serrations above
will be different for all new 1911s & ARs sold by III Arms.
The new III Arms 1911 is coming in OD, with black controls and low-profile fixed sights.

It is a combat pistol, and a showpiece for the new Jedburgh Academy.

A local member of our inner-core Tribe will T&E the pistol, and we'll present a full review.

There are many more announcements coming soon regarding III Arms - including AR15s, & AR10s - and something even cooler than all of that...

Holly will inform the Founders when the time is right.

My job as III Arms cheerleader is back, and I have confidence in the new Team, QC, and new business model.


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