Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

PatCon: One Time Pad Workshop

We'll be hosting a free One Time Pad (OTP) workshop at PatCon this year.

The methodology we'll be following - here.

If you plan to attend the workshop, drop a quick email to the Planning Team so we can be certain to have enough supplies.

The objective is simple - we want everyone leaving PatCon to be able to transmit and receive OTP messages, and to be able to teach their allies back home.  

Email the Planning Team here.  Be sure to tell the Planning Team how many of your group plan to attend the workshop.  Everyone needs their own set of supplies.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone who isn't taking the time to make sure their communications is absolutely solid, doesn't actually intend to win this scrum. Call it what you will, but communications is the *single* most essential element of every unconventional warfare operation. This is even more true for us, because our forces are so spread out, in such a hostile environment.

    If you fail to plan and prepare to communicate effectively with your fellow patriots, then you are planning to die. Alone. As a failure. Period.

    Time is short. Get you ass off the couch for this, and make it happen. If not at Patcon, then by whatever means necessary.



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