Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, June 20, 2015

WRSA Comment Vivisection re: Huntsville Call Out

I have a comment below copied from Pete's shop regarding the Huntsville gig currently scheduled for July 29th.  I am pleased it was written by someone who chose to go Anonymous.  This vivisection is warranted because of the fundamental misrepresentations the author chose to take (or mistakenly took in good faith - not sure which) regarding the gig.

First, please read the comment: 

Anonymous | June 19, 2015 at 18:18 |

My opinion: If the bad PR of a hundred spectators in the courtroom who have each driven 300 miles gets the city to stop prosecuting, it’s constructive. If it doesn’t get the city to stop prosecuting, it’s not just a waste but actively destructive. It shows willingness to play on the Bad People’s field by their rules because they’re seen as “legitimate”. I have a similar opinion on the victim spending his time and money on fighting inside the Bad People’s court system.

Imagine if all the people willing to drive to attend would instead donate their gas money to tow his trailer to some new real estate lot outside of this jurisdiction. If the victim prefers to believe in the Bad People’s legitimacy over functionally resolving his problem, then he’s part of the larger problem and shouldn’t be assisted to continue to run towards the wrong goal.


Sentence 1 - The author either chose (in bad faith) to misrepresent the entire premise of going to Huntsville, or he simply did not comprehend the simple, written Mission parameters.

The purpose was never put forth as being to ...stop prosecuting... 

The Mission is to stand in court with an American who is facing Tyrants on the issue of Property Rights.  Therefore, the Mission was clearly defined and well-articulated as simply attending the hearing.

Sentence 2 - If it doesn’t get the city to stop prosecuting, it’s not just a waste but actively destructive. It shows willingness to play on the Bad People’s field by their rules because they’re seen as “legitimate”. 

We've already demonstrated that the Mission is NOT to stop prosecution on July 29th.  We are there to observe, support, report, and if needed, determine follow-on activities.  So the assertion by the author that a failure to stop the prosecution demonstrates a willingness to play on the field of the Bad People is wrong.  It is also wrong to claim Patriots would lose any legitimacy - because no legitimacy is tied to the prosecution.  The only way Patriots surrender ANY legitimacy is if we fail to attend.

Paragraph 2, Sentence 1Imagine if all the people willing to drive to attend would instead donate their gas money to tow his trailer to some new real estate lot outside of this jurisdiction. 

This is surrender, pure and simple.  If Truitt chooses this path, so be it.  It is his life, his fight.

But for a 'Patriot' in these times to suggest this as a recourse is frightening.  

I will not be part of such a course.

End vivisection.

Two suggestions have been floated regarding raising funds for this event.  The first was at WRSA - DTG suggested someone set-up a fundraiser for Truitt to cover legal fees.  I still think this is a good plan.  But, no one has done it.  Imagine that.  All Talk, No Walk sadly represents more than 99% of the Patriot Commentariat.

Second suggestion was from a III Patriot who suggested a fundraiser to help defray the costs of travel for III Patriots headed that way.  This, too is a great idea.  The revenue needed will be relatively small, to ensure Patriots can attend and not have to cover all expenses on their own.  If even a small percentage of III Patriots throw a few bucks into the hat, we can make this a relatively painless Call Out.  My thought is to pass the hat and then hand-out gas cards to Patriots who attend the hearing.  I'm open to suggestions - and either way, I'll get something set-up by Monday.

Observe, support, report.  That is the Mission.

Keep it simple.  Keep it attainable.  Lay the Ground so you win, regardless of the outcome.

We win by attending and accomplishing our Mission.

If the pols, bureaucrats and Judiciary back-off, we win.

If they murder us for standing in a courtroom - well, it sucks for us, but the Movement will then move.  That's a win.
Some people like to quote Sun Tzu.
Some of us live it.

Ignore those who insist on trying to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, like our Anonymous friend above.

Lay the Ground so you can't lose - that is how you win.

1 comment:

  1. LT has graciously agreed to head up this endeavor and is setting it up, I believe, as we speak.


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