Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

What is your Buy price on Silver & Gold?

We've been watching the gold & silver charts - silver is under $16/ounce again, and gold has fallen below $1200.

Do you have a set buy price?  When gold or silver hits X, do you pick up a specified amount?

Silver under $16 an ounce is appealing.  Personally, I think silver is going to outpace gold when SHTF in terms of ROI.  

But, curious - do you have a trigger point when you buy?


  1. I have no target price to buy silver. When all my monthly bills are paid, any left over FRN are converted to assets. Beans, Bullets, Band Aids, Silver Coins or .9999% Silver Wire electrodes with which I make an Ionic Sliver solution. The Dollar is dead, don't hold them.

    1. Yep Emily, I do the same thing. I have a coin dealer that I get junk silver and coins for a small percentage over spot. Not much lately as my audit of BBB's showed deficiencies and am pumping what I have left into lead, when I can find a decent deal.

    2. Emily, good call with the wire. The romans used silver wire staples to stitch themselves up. Its a wonderful antiseptic. Look whats in most water filters, silver oxide.......MTHead

  2. nope, just buy whenever i can afford it. bought some at 30, some at 15, and everything in between. its not about roi, its about paying the doctor who's up to his ears in chickens and produce.

  3. Current Buy Spot Price on Silver at my local vendor is $16.14. It has not been this low since Feb. 2010.

    I am going to my vendor this week to buy two tubes, 25 coins each, at $403.50/ tube and plan to continue buy 1 - 2 tubes/month.

    I by 1oz. Silver Canadian Maple Leafs for 2 reasons:

    1. It is not us currency and technically the US Government cannot confiscate it under the notion that it is legal US currency like FDR did with gold in 1933 via executive order.

    2. I can buy smaller units of metal (currency) that are easier to break up than one gold coin would be. For example, If someone wanted to trade 1 days worth of food for $100, I could give them six silver coins. If I only had a gold coin that was worth $1,200, I would certainly be in trouble, either not getting the food, or paying much more than the trade is worth. This example is simplistic but I think you get the point.

    The one disadvantage is that obviously it takes many silver coins to equal the value of one gold coin so you might also consider some gold for this reason. Obviously, more coins to carry is more weight. If SHTF, then gold and silver may be worthless anyway as people won't need gold/ silver, they will need water, food, ammo, etc. Silver also has some industrial/ manufacturing uses although I am sure that won't matter much either.


    1. You are correct JB, Gold is not practical for everyday barter. I have a few Gold coins for one reason only. Bribing a guard or CO to look the other way. Sgt. Schultz type see nothing say nothing.

  4. Exactly! Straight to the point and well said Emily. I Do the same thing here... buy all those things as I see fit and scheduled. Of course when silver is low it does help to buy much more of it....

  5. Also,
    US Gold Eagles are not pure gold. They are 1 troy ounce which is about 1/12 lb. and do contain 1 regular oz. (1/16 lb) of gold. The entire coin is not pure gold - about 92% gold, 3% silver, 5% copper. At this time, a 1oz gold eagle is about $15/ coin more that pure gold 1oz. maple leaf.

    You'll pay slightly more per coin for an 1 oz. silver eagle, over silver maple leaf.

    If you are simply interested in silver or gold content, you might want to consider bars/rounds.



  6. I think now is a good time to buy - especially silver. The COT reports are showing that a silver squeeze is imminent, just needs a trigger to set it off, and prices will go higher. Like you, I also think that silver has the potential to gain more than gold once things really take off. Also, with the GSR (gold silver ratio) at around 75 to 1, silver makes more sense to stack up at this time. I'm hoping for a drop in the GSR to around 40 to 1 so I can swap some silver for gold.
    One last thing - if I have to bug out, the silver is staying where it's at! The value to weight factor is outrageous. Gold is much more portable.
    CM in AZ

  7. The time I buy precious metals is when I have a little money left over after I have paid the bills, gotten food taken care of for the month, and taken advantage of any food, lead, medical, comm, and nav specials that I am lacking in or need to upgrade. IF I have any money left over, it goes to buy old silver US coins, on eBay, for as low a price as I can get, with free shipping.

  8. Free Citizen here. I buy some silver and lead EVERY month. The amounts vary with what I can afford but it all adds up in the end. Don't forget your food and water storage.

  9. When it comes to thoughts on barter, as in after the excitement begins; I believe that the "loaf of bread will buy an ounce of gold" adage will be true. Brothers and sisters, think of the things common unprepared folks will need... they're stocking up on gold and silver, just like William Devane advises them... they will have limited fuel, food, bullets, medical supplies, "medicinal alcohol"; the list goes on and on. I have steel cable, logging chain, electrical wiring, a large assortment of nuts, bolts, nails, lumber.... I remain sure that all of those items, as well as Grandma's freshly baked bread... will outpace gold once things get sporty... Grandpa

  10. ....oh, and I almost forgot. I get a case of quarts (beer...) and as much 9mm, 5.56, and .308; as I can, every pay day. And diesel. Plenty o' diesel... add to that every bit of The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. All I need for motivation is fucktards telling me something is bad or wrong, or that I can't have some. That's like throwing steak in front of a hungry dog... Grandpa


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