Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Pop Quiz - What is your answer, Patriot?

Every modern mode of communication can be shut down by little more than the flip of a switch from FedGov - except radio.

FedGov flips said switches.  You must communicate with your allies a few counties or states away.  

The resistance depends on you getting that message through - quickly and accurately - and securely.

You go to your radio.  You already know cracking that mic is a gamble, especially if .Gov is paying attention.  You already know he can locate you, target you and put munitions on your X in minutes.

You do NOT want to be anywhere near that X when Uncle Sugar pulls the trigger.  Big badda-boom!

What's your solution, Patriot?  

*For extra credit - could you AND your allies on the other end implement that solution tonight, if the balloon goes up?


  1. Mobile ham. Leave it behind powered after sending and or receiving. Think of it like where you put food and utensils when camping. Away from your tent and preferably not between the tent and means of egress. Just a thought

    1. Hmmm, mobile uh. OK, I'm way out west in Kali and you are???? What freq would you use to reach out here with a mobile? Repeaters are down. 2a? 8a? 12 22?
      Got amp and antenna? Power supply?
      I'm mobile, Icom 802 with a Gam backstay antenna and on a boat that is very mobile. If one was really paranoid, one would have a freq jump list to parties that they needed to reach. Moving targets can be a bitch. Short mics.

    2. Some of the ham clubs here run some stuff from pickup trucks. My thought is that if you think you're being zeroed, use it as a distraction, to your advantage. Hell, look how many guys are looking for two cons in NY. Imagine trying to track thousands while dealing with idiot sheeple?

  2. set up a disposable dipole in the backyard of the neighborhood snitch, make your shot, beat feet. keep making the rounds in the built up environment where opfor needs to deploy boots instead of ordinance.

  3. In the absence of orders, find something evil and kill it.
    Chuck M.

  4. Just off the top of my head-
    Relay the message via CB radios,with all parties on the road when they tx message. Use pre-arranged messages that appear to be just random talk to anyone listening,but contain a series of words that all members of your team know the meaning of,plus your allies in the next AO,then the message gets relayed group to group until it gets to it's destination.
    Or use Morse code by keying mic-it would take any .gov inc. people listening a while to figure it out.
    Even better-do the same with a few key words out of a sentence being the actual message-even if anyone listening knows Morse-it still won't make sense.
    I'll think about it some more,and maybe I can come up with something better.

  5. Intelligent and dedicated 19 year old athletic son on an open class motocross bike, with a desert gas tank....

  6. Well if NVIS (near vertical incidence sky wave transmissions are nearly impossible to trace/track/locate) good for about 300-400 miles. Second would be a remote transmitter preferably via internet (if its possible), if not then through the national/regional repeater system on 2m (inter tie is down?) well satellite comms are still possible squirting a bird right(damn they shut down the sats too?) Earth to moon to earth (harder to accomplish and you have to make the messages last for 15 seconds then listen for 15 seconds.

  7. for distance comms with friendlies and/or networking across tribal lines, there should be an agreed to standard... an accepted network of "our own" as well as being able to operate within already established networks thru groups such as amrron... whle these already exist or are coming into being, there needs to be particular focus on application in such a scenario and others similar... pre-scenario establishment of a plan is critical to getting and maintaining contact; some form of shared encryption is just as critical; tx-er must be capable and mobile leading to the conclusion that each group should have an individual dedicated to comms with at least 1 or more back-up

  8. Old skills defeat new technology, you digging? Morse code is known but probably would take a minute to pick up on. CB radios while on the travel with code words, even then anything that transmits can still be got. Maybe a per-determined event would be the signal for checking of drop points, OTPs etc. When all else fails, act according with the bylaws and over all mission.

  9. Why reinvent the wheel, I would recommend something the Brits invented during WWII for just this case. According to the museum of WWII in Boston,

    "List of codes to be used by a British agent, printed on silk, containing four letter codes for a large number of sentences. Time on the air was the greatest danger as the Gestapo direction finders could rapidly pinpoint transmissions"

    Maybe instead of silk, make it out of something easily destroyed in case your position is suspected.

    Link: http://www.museumofworldwarii.com/images/virtualtour/041_035.JPG

  10. Just an FYI; 802.11a is very very hard to DF. Comms/Voice Over 802.11a might be an option. Granted it has its down sides (communication distance being one and interference being another) but if you could have a few "allies" with a mobile router in their vehicles and a high-gain antennae it could be an option.

    1. If you like 802.11, look into the surplus h4855/PRC-343 (http://www.prc68.com/I/Bowman.shtml). I have a 'few' of them, rebuilt quite a few more. Their range is decent for open field use, don't expect more than 600yds since it's a 'squad' radio. You can boost the signal quite a bit with a cheap (~$35) 'wifi' amplifier from ebay. One nice thing about them, encrypted with 256 channels to choose from. I have even replicated the weapon mount TX button since those are hard to find. Contact me if you want/need more info. CalGreyMan@iiipercent.com

  11. Why not extend your "X" with copper or fiber? put the xmitter far away from you and communicate with it via a remote tether (PC)... So what if munitions find it, you're a couple hundred or more yards away...

  12. From the Danmorgan76 blog, "The Patrol - chapter 3"
    (NVIS antenna) 128′ long and would run parallel to and about 12′ above the ground with two thin wire elements, each approximately 64′ long. It is connected in the center by a short section of RG-58 coax cable which leads down to the small Elecraft KX3 HF transceiver. The radio is then connected to a tiny Winbook TW7 tablet through a very small Signalink USB modem. Everything combined is small enough to fit in a Zip-lock freezer bag. The tablet is running a free peer-to-peer communications software known as RMS Express. We had used the program extensively before WROL with an organization known as AmRON. They helped groups of preparedness minded radio operators set up nationwide and local radio nets and radio bulletin boards.


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