Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Morning Brief

Shoot, Move & Communicate.


Morale & Cohesion.

These are our paths toward Rightful Liberty.

The CUTT & Militia are Yin to the Yang of Auxiliary. Neither can prevail without the other.

The overwhelming amount of your resources should be invested at the Local, Local, Local - with the same Yin/Yang understanding - your community will not survive or prevail without healthy neighboring communities.  If they are sick, it is in your interests to help heal them, too.  String it all together, you have a functioning, healthy county, state, nation.

Daily Comms from Sparks31 - here

Daily Tactical from MVT - here

For you CUTT and Militia folks, remember that shelter and wounded are primary concerns, and having the best tools available is a mandate - here

There will be more on Morale and Cohesion later, with a healthy dash of "Let's make the Bad People pee themselves a little..."

Train.  Local.  Mean it.  

No 1A for 2A - here


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