Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, May 31, 2015

I'm easy to find for anyone feeling sporty...

Pete's got the original here.

Do drop in at the CSVG FB and invite the idiots there to try it...



  1. They will soon reap what they have been sowing so long...I don't think they are going to get the harvest they are expecting though...Come on silly wabbits bring your footsies over here...

  2. They will soon reap what they have been sowing for so long...I don't think they are going to get the harvest they are expecting though...Come on silly wabbits bring your footsies over here...

  3. I agree, all I can do is poke them and keep poking them with the knowledge that we see what they are about and will remember. This is no martyrdom that I seek but my Tribe knows to inform the world if I disappear. Everyday they expose more of the rot until soon all will smell the filth they have become. Sam, Holly, please keep being a loud voice in the wilderness and know we all pray for you.

  4. Thanks K, I left the idiots a Lil note, those people are unbelieveable........;)

  5. I wouldn't say that I'm a math whiz, but I do know that my mil dots are calculated at 1-6,400 of a circle and that I can find the distance to a target by multiplying the height or width of the object by 1000, then dividing by the number of mil dots that the object spans. We don't need no stinking rangefinders! Fuck feelings, this is about guaranteed rights.

  6. As my older brother,(god rest him) use to say to:" You got the talking part done".What happened after that was insightful to human nature. no matter which way it went.......MTHead

    1. "You got the talking part done..."

      Ha! I love it. I suspect I may be using that in the future. ;)

  7. The comments on their Farcebook page show the level of ignorance and stupidity among the scum-sucking pieces of excrement...

    “Kevin Burns They should be put into camps and given tattoos. Anyone of them trying to escape should be executed so as to not pose a threat to our society. You in?”

  8. Another phrase from the "Dano" that might be applicable to these folks."Some people in life just squeek, and all you can do is grease'em!......MTHead

  9. I truly wish folks that have never suffered more than a paper cut would desist.

    I do not want this war. You motherfuckers won't stop, that much is clear.

    Everyone has a plan til they get punched in the face. I like what the poster above said about talking. Y'all commie motherfuckers talk a lot of shit about taking our guns.

  10. I will not lose sleep over; or out myself by commenting to a dynamically generated FB page full of liberal/communist/socialist/nazi propaganda (BAIT) that may or may not have been published by "ghost profiles" created on a .gov server or app. Has anyone verified those FB profiles in meatspace? or do they just exist in digital land? I have no doubt the enemy is at the gates, but i take social media bait with a grain of salt. How much compute power does it take to generate a random face and then slap some inflammatory text on a page to make it seem like there are alot more of them than there actually are? Facebook data centers? fiber seeking backhoe? Respect layer 1.

    1. NEVER believe the MSM. And farcebook is absolutely an arm of the MSM. Electronically generated or not, sometimes their honeypots are very obvious, as this one is.

      Fuggem'. I ditched fb over 5 years ago, and I have no regrets, because I saw that this kind of shit was exactly what Billy'o'Gates wants that site saturated with...

    2. "fiber seeking backhoe? Respect layer 1"

      The power to destroy a thing, is absolutel control over it.

      We have that power over many things.
      What is lacking is the will to exercise it...

      But the times are changing, and the will to resist is growing.


  11. I don't get the gripes. I admit I never understood the "issue" in the first place, but I strongly agree that everyone who believes individuals should turn in their weapons, should turn in their weapons. Seems like one less thing to worry about to me, although not much of a worry to start.

    "You bought a tool for your defense, so you should surrender that tool at the moment you need it for defense." Genius logic, as long as everyone's dumber than a rock. Must be projection, I guess.

    I left a brief comment there. If I disappear, it means their spam was deadly. If I don't, then it wasn't.

  12. I can't stop laughing (or crying) long enough to type a response. They can't be serious, and yet they are... two things come to mind..
    1) wolves don't lose sleep over the opinion of sheep, and;
    2) the lion does not turn around when the little dog barks
    stormfriend sends


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