Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, May 30, 2015

III Combatives: Train the Trainer FTYW

Thank you for the feedback on the Fight to your Weapon: Train the Trainer program.

We've opened the site for booking.  Remember, slots are limited through the end of the year because of my commitments.  If you are going to book, do it sooner rather than later.  On July 1 prices for the program will rise to market value (when I begin offering to dojos, et cetera).

For those of you taking the Trainer Program so you can market it to the public, you will have a license-protected territory as long as you book at least one class each quarter.  If you stop (or slow too much) in offering classes in your territory/AO, we'll permit other trainers to operate near you.

The III CQB site has closed for members only.  We'll be posting the full catalog of techniques this weekend - if you aren't a member, and you've taken the CQB class, use it as a refresher.  If you need to sign-up for the III CQB site, it's $8 per month for unlimited access.  III CQB is here.

Here's the III Combatives link.  Use this link to book your Trainer class.


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