Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

IIIGear, III Society & Stuff

Shoot, Move & Communicate Patches are in!

Paratrooper Bag w/
III Society Patch
Most of you know I have not been promoting IIIGear or new enrollments in the III Society since last fall.  The reason is simple: We were moving everything from the east coast to our new home, and the logistics of trying to get orders and swag shipped while engaged in that process would have been an absolute Cluster Foxtrot.  We still have not worked through all of the outstanding Society swag shipments because of our hat SNAFUs, compounded by traveling and all that goes with it.


Spartan Patches
4" w/velcro
We are here, the shop is up and running and orders are shipping. The TERMN-8R was a trial run of our new system, and I think everyone who ordered new radios is satisfied with how smoothly the process worked.  The radios were back out the door within 24 hours of arrival at our shop, and H sent everyone tracking numbers over the weekend.  Some of you have already rec'd your radios.  The process actually worked almost too well.  Radios were here and ready to ship before pouches and patches.  Instead of holding up the process, we chose to ship the radios, and we'll follow-on with the remainder when everything arrives.  The patches (Shoot, Move & Communicate by Zoomie) arrived today, and Condor is shipping the pouches by Friday.
Spartan Keychains 
for the Studio
you can get yours from Bill
click the pic!

Our goal is to only offer merchandise that is physically in-stock (this took some website improvements) and to ship orders within 24 hours.

So, I am happy to say IIIGear and III Society logistics are up and running to my satisfaction.    There is a sprinkling of III Society swag orders waiting to ship - some of you joined early in the process and some recently.  I am only waiting for hats at the moment, which are at the new embroiderers shop (she took last week off for Easter with her family), and I saw her this morning.  So if you are waiting for swag, I promise it's coming.  

If you have any outstanding IIIGear orders, let me know! There may be a few old orders lost in the confusion, so just give me a heads-up and we'll get you sorted out.

stickers 6" tall
We have not simply been twiddling our thumbs during this process.  We have added new inventory to IIIGear, which is just waiting to be shipped once we offer it for sale.  We have awarded Training Scholarships through the Society.  We are in discussions with several III Society Members about summer & fall events.  The III Society is a large organization with many plates in the air, and while we have outstanding Advisors and Board Members, the nuts & bolts of getting widgets out the door is my responsibility. All delays are completely on me.  

PatCon is just over 3 months away - not as much time as one might think from the planning end of things.
IIIGear large duffle with Spartan Helm Patch

To be very honest, H and I have too much on our plates.  This move has allowed us to put all our projects under one roof (physically, in most cases) and get a better handle on things.  It is working.  In addition to IIIGear and the Society, we'll be opening the doors to the Studio soon, which is our bill-paying vehicle. We'll get pictures of the Studio up soon (before & after the renovation images).  I know H is reaching out to those of you who supported the Studio.

My thanks to everyone who has supported us over the years, whether financially or otherwise.  I appreciate the support and the patience you have afforded us when things get a bit sticky.


Condor Tactical Cap

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