Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, April 3, 2015


Every LEO, every court worker, every reporter. every jailer, every food prep contractor, et cetera, who earned a paycheck as a result of this guy sitting in prison for 30 years while "The State" refused to do a simple ballistics test, deserve to share the same shallow grave.  Do not waste bullets.  Just shove them in and push the dirt over them all.

"Hey, K!  That's the way our system works, man!  It's the law!  Public Safety, you damned Extremist!"

Fuck that.

When even 1 instance of "Public Safety" is allowed to infringe the Natural Rights of just 1 person, the entire system is in jeopardy.  And when it becomes open policy and accepted by the masses - we have America 2015 (and Soviet Russia and Iron Curtain East Germany and Nazi Germany and...)

Evil is Evil, and if you don't know it when you see it, you are of no use to Humanity.  And if you don't see all the small Evils in place that permit the bigger Evils, you are either too stupid or too selfish to breed - so please self-select out of the gene pool.  If you have already bred, call a family meeting and slaughter the fruit of your loins.  It's the Humane thing to do.

Here's the link.

You "Law & Order" folks are a bigger threat to American Liberty than every Red fucker who ever walked the Earth, collectively.  (Heh, see what I did there?)



  1. Evil has a million faces. Those who refuse to call even one of them out for what it is, grants sanction to them all.

    On this very day, Our Lord claimed victory over them all. It is our duty to follow in his footsteps and do tne same.


  2. "You "Law & Order" folks are a bigger threat to American Liberty than every Red fucker who ever walked the Earth, combined."

    K - this is one of the best statements I have seen in a very long time. So true.


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