·         The Twenty-First Century increasingly reminds me of that "Star Trek: The Next Generation" episode where a bunch of cretins commandeered a garbage scow and set off to exterminate everyone smarter than they were.

As noted in the article, the roads that traverse BLM lands are public. The OaKies have no legal authority to block a public right of way.
Alan  conorcat  
Remember what they did in NV after the Bundy Ranch stand-off? They set up road blocks all over the place on public roads and stopped and questioned motorists. These are jack-booted thugs. They are criminals and should be treated as such.

conorcat  Alan  
They want to replace the Tyranny of Big Gubbmint with the Tyranny of Small Minds.
Star Treck Garbage Scow, q.v.
I don't know, Rey. I don't think the OaKies have the wherewithal to run a garbage scow.
Highly doubt it.
If I remember correctly, the Oath Keepers had an armed dispute with Bundy's own men. Eventually Bundy kicked them out over something about the federal government planning to use drones. It was all hype and insane. As for this mine dispute. Their cause is getting stupid all the time.
Yup! Lawbreakers are criminals, no matter what they parade around as.
Frank Smith  
“If you are on a fringe element, and you’re here to protest, or provoke a reaction with the federal government, I don't want you here,” Boy this man is in serious denial thinking he isn't part of the "fringe element" that he is speaking about. If they are keeping federal officers from doing their job by blocking roads they need to be removed and if they have the audacity to even think about pointing a weapon at anyone they must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. This stupidity must be ended now or we will be further emboldening what amounts to domestic terrorists.
So the "Oath Keepers" already on scene (along with the mine owners) and the "Patriot" newcomers- who, it seems, showed up itching for a fight- aren't on the same page. Anyone surprised? Not me...

Same here. Note to BLM and other observers: take a lot of pictures!

Alan  Linnea912  
Nor I.

What's the over/under on how long it will take for one "commander" to order another "commander" and his "troops" to leave?
Any predictions on (1) amount requested in a GoFundMe page and (2) amount actually collected. I'm going with $100,000 and $135.
Wonder how much money the hotels in the area are making from their porn channels? My guess: A LOT!!
One incident a year? This is the slowest-motion "revolution" I've ever seen.
I wonder how many ninjas from Operation American Spring are still hiding in the trees in DC?
Anybody seen "Commander" "KC" Massey? Oh wait, he's in jail. Oh well, maybe next year.

Send in the drones.

Bring back Erika!

Free Erika Now!

Wow... that was two minutes of my life I will never get back watching that video. These guys are not the sharpest crayons in the box, are they?

Gee, Joe Rice, you wanted it, you got it, you own it.