Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Two LEO Shot Outside Ferguson PD

Is DoJ's recent report a Green Light for some people to begin hunting LEO - perhaps with the wink-wink-nudge that prosecutions for shooting "Racist LEO" will be unlikely?  Certainly not applicable to all Americans - but will the FSA get a pass from DoJ?

Story is linked at RLR, here.



  1. Two coppers shot, with a handgun, 120 yards away, one headshot... must have been using green tips ;)

  2. Is DoJ's recent report a Green Light for some people to begin hunting LEO



    perhaps with the wink-wink-nudge that prosecutions for shooting "Racist LEO" will be unlikely?



    Certainly not applicable to all Americans - but will the FSA get a pass from DoJ?

    Applicable to all who don't tow the line, period.


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