Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, March 29, 2015

TERMN-8Rs: Last Call for First Bulk Order

We are placing our initial Bulk Order for TERMN-8R radios tomorrow morning, so if you are planning to get in on this first purchase, today is the day!  Several radios in one: 

Dual Band (6 Band RX) (VHF/UHF) GMRS, MURS, Amateur (Ham), Commercial Portable Two-Way Radio.

Is TO&E all set for your Team?  Are you in a position to help other Patriots who may not have Comms at this level squared-away?  If so, consider buying at least a pair, and in the notes section when you check-out at PayPal, tell us to gift your purchase to a deserving Team or Tribe.  We have a lot of contacts with Militia and other Patriots who rarely or never comment publicly, and as you know equipping a Team is an expensive proposition.  You can remain anonymous to the receiver and public if you wish, but your contribution will help Patriots who are fighting the same fight as you.

We need 1 more  (We broke the limit!) unit for this initial purchase in order to hit the price-point needed so we can include a radio pouch with your radios.  Patches are already in production, and will ship with every radio.

TERMN-8R Radios

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