Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, February 27, 2015

Practical Tactical

Lima Echo Alpha Romeo November - India Tango

A - Alpha ( al - fah)
B - Bravo (brah - voh)
C - Charlie (char - lee)
D - Delta (dell - tah)
E - Echo (eck - oh)
F - Foxtrot (foks - trot)
G - Golf (golf)
H - Hotel (hoh - tell)
I - India (in - dee - ah)
J - Juliet (jew - lee- ett)
K - Kilo (key - loh)
L - Lima (lee - mah)
M - Mike (mike)
N - November (no - vem - ber)
O - Oscar (oss - car)
P - Papa (pah - pah)
Q - Quebec (keh - beck)
R - Romeo (roh - me - oh)
S - Sierra (see - air - ah)
T - Tango (tang - go)
U - Uniform (you - nee - form)
V - Victor (vik - tor)
W - Whiskey (wiss - key)
X - X ray (ecks - ray)
Y - Yankee (yang - key)
Z - Zulu (zoo - loo)

0 - (zee - ro)
1 - (wun)
2 - (too)
3 - (tree)
4 - (fow - er)
5 - (fife)
6 - (six)
7 - (sev - en)
8 - (ait)
9 - (ni - ner)

Yes = affirmative, or "a firm"
No = negative, or "negats"


  1. One minor nit-pick, 3 should be (tree).

    1. Thank you! I really should put the keyboard away after a certain hour. ;) I am thankful I have people who are willing to take the time to let me know when they spot a mistake.

    2. No problem, and 5 is usually "Fife", and pronounced in a more clipped manner than "five". I had a "tree" in my call sign for a bit over a year, so I'm used to saying/hearing it that way.

    3. No problem, and 5 is usually "Fife", and pronounced in a more clipped manner than "five". I had a "tree" in my call sign for a bit over a year, so I'm used to saying/hearing it that way.

  2. Yes = affirmative, or "a firm"
    No = negative, or "negats"

  3. 'Evah' since my Boy Scouts then CAP dayz!!! Also learned Morris Code, (sound, light and wig-wag)!! And....how about some good old USN "Skivvie wavin'" (Semaphore) signaling!! BTW the old "Peace Sign" originated back in the Post WWII days "Ban the Bomb" movement the circle with the lines drawn thru it at the 12, 4, 6 and 8 o'clock positions stand for the points where one would hold the flags (skivvies!) for the letters "N" and "D" standing for Nuclear Disarmament!! That is all
    "Roger that!,"
    PS, Do you have a "Bravo" flag to hoist at the entrance of your Shootin' range when it's "HOT!!!!????"

  4. Another useful resource, I recommend printing it out.



Please post anonymously. III Society members, please use your Call Sign.