Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sparks31 Training Update

If you planned to get some training time in with Sparks31 in 2015, your options have narrowed.  You can read his update, here.  My advice: Book yourself into whichever class best fits your schedule and travel abilities - but book yourself into a class!  True Masters of their Arts are few and far between, and Sparks31 has demonstrated to us all he knows his art and science.  In addition - finding a true master who has the ability to impart his knowledge to newcomers is even more rare.

One weak spot in the III Community that has been revealed is simple, *old-school Comms that are truly secure.  Sparks did the community a service and broke-down the mechanics of the One Time Pad (OTP) in this post, here.  Read it.  Learn it.  Use it when lives are on the line - because modern Comms, at present, are the dominion of the Enemies of Liberty.

*Old School.  You will see this again.


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