Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

Valley Forge 1777 - no shoes...
Because too many of us have failed to learn our History, we are doomed to repeat it.

There may be no Valley Forge encampment this season.  And when History does end this repeating cycle, Liberty may not be the victor.

Cherish what you have now.  Most of what you have now will be gone before you die.

Merry Christmas.



  1. Yep, Valley Forge was a bitch. But winter at Morristown 1779-80 was worse. The snow was already 6 feet high when the troops got into camp. Most of them were damn near naked and the trails of blood into camp were indicative that most did not have shoes. There was virtually no food and most slept on a bed of straw with a single thin blanket. Washington was all but done. The Articles of Confederation were so weak that his army was left to freeze and starve. How he managed to fight the British to a draw in the northern colonies is nothing short of amazing. The Brits would turn their eyes south come 1780. And they would encounter a different breed of men. Men that would wear them down such that Washington with the help of the French would be able to deliver a coup de grace.

  2. Yep, Valley Forge was a bitch. But winter at Morristown 1779-80 was worse. The snow was already 6 feet high when the troops got into camp. Most of them were damn near naked and the trails of blood into camp were indicative that most did not have shoes. There was virtually no food and most slept on a bed of straw with a single thin blanket. Washington was all but done. The Articles of Confederation were so weak that his army was left to freeze and starve. How he managed to fight the British to a draw in the northern colonies is nothing short of amazing. The Brits would turn their eyes south come 1780. And they would encounter a different breed of men. Men that would wear them down such that Washington with the help of the French would be able to deliver a coup de grace.

    1. "The Articles of Confederation were so weak..."

      Y'know, when we started I admired you for you apparent honesty, and I said so repeatedly. But now you've turned yourself into a simple two-bit bullshitter. The Articles were "approved" in 1777, but were not ratified and "IN FORCE" until 1781. There are only about a thousand sources to verify this.

      You bullshit about this, you bullshit about the Federalists, you ignore the Whiskey Rebellion, you leave out the critical principles in the DoI, most notably the one about the consent of the governed. Why? WHY??

      WHY do you want to bullshit men into putting their lives on the line in battle, based on falsehoods? That's my fundamental question to you and if you have the courage to answer it, I'll be grateful.

      Here's my guess---because that's exactly what was done to you.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and the Mrs. Sam.
    I would like to take a moment to thank you.

    Take heart, more people are waking the hell up every day now.

  4. Merry Christmas to you and yours K. I agree "Most of what you have now will be gone before you die." It doesn't look good man. Good luck to all the patriots in the country. May GOD bless our struggle for freedom.

    11B 3/187th


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