Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, November 21, 2014

It's the Fuckin' Commies, Stupid...

Click the pic to embiggen.  This was forwarded to me by an ally.

Anyone who rolls their eyes or tries to argue this fundamental premise should be immediately moved to the bullet-stopper positions in your formations: Nearly every single problem in America that imposes upon Rightful Liberty is the work of Communists peddling Communist ideology.

Period.  Full Stop.

This is the website of the Commie Fucktard behind the above flyer: RevCom.us

In many cases you must scratch the surface and dig a bit to find the links, but the links exist.

Jim Klein reminds us all often that the fight has always been collectivism versus individualism.  Communism is the manifestation of that collectivism in our world.  When you bitchslap an anti-gunner or an advocate for entitlement programs, you are bitchslapping a Commie. 

If you are having any hesitancy about bitchslapping ANYONE who is working or advocating the infringement of your Rightful Liberty - get over it.  You are NOT bitchslapping a Human Being.  You ARE bitchslapping a pureblood Communist or one of their Useful Idiots.  Either way - they are genuine, existential threats to you and yours.

This is war, folks.  It is not a "...legitimate difference of political opinion..."

This is a war against slavery - and you are the one being fitted for chains.

And they are coming harder, now.

Remember I recently mentioned (at WRSA) that ALL of the groups massing in Ferguson (from outside the AO) are Communist in nature, and that when you get past the Useful Idiots, you'll find "white" Commies financing the whole operation?  Well, look at the pic below.

Many Useful Idiots - and a couple of "white" Commies front & center - seek to complete the work begun more than a century ago to imprison Humanity under the yoke of tyranny.

Patriots: Get past whatever mental reservations you may still have lingering in your braincase.

Any biped who seeks to infringe your Rightful Liberty is NOT a Human Being and may be engaged without ANY stain upon your Soul.


Or let them kill you.  Your choice.  Rightful Liberty and all...



  1. This may be the first of many incidents, too early to know right now, but I'd put even money that it's not random.


  2. I once made the comment that you are wound just a little tighter then most III 'fers, for that I was gently slapped down and had a major talking to. But I will reiterate that you are more tightly wound then most and I thank God for it. We don't need cheer leaders or politicians leading us, just people who tell us the truth no mater what. I know IT"S coming and even though I can't convince anyone, I am hearten to know that others understand. Thanks.

    1. Did I do the slapping/talking?

    2. No, it was done in front of a national radio audience.

    3. Sounds like an interesting story. If we ever get to meet, I hope you can tell me about it.

      Stay safe. There is no cavalry - we are all we've got.

    4. Sam, you have never said anything more profound: "...There is no cavalry - we are all we've got."

  3. Bullshit.
    As always, all the supposed "patriots" are nothing more than pornstars taking it on the chin.
    Save your breath, and spare us the hot air and bluster, about how the very next traitorous crime will be the breaking point, the go time, the end game, the crossed Rubicon.
    Just shut up.
    Save your breath, y’all are due back on set.
    This will be nothing but infighting and bloodshed between communists and traitors, and the easily duped, incompetent, couch surfing posers (aka Patriots) who spend their time avoiding PT and the reality of their impotence like its ebola.

    1. I said what, exactly, about "...the next traitorous crime will be the breaking point..."? I do not draw lines in the sand. In all of my time writing online I have only drawn one: ConCon.

      Cav - if you are disappointed with how I am doing what I do - tell me what you recommend.


  4. Damn, man...forgive me for being personal, but you're wound tighter than a drum. I only do it cuz you're important and a leader, whether you know it or not. Gotta lead by example, duh.

    Everyone's on edge because everyone knows what's coming...the ones that can face it anyway. I'm pretty sure you're a key person when it comes to handling crises and trauma--I mean, everyone's key, but some are more key than others in various contexts--and you understand better than most what's happening.

    Chill. Nobody ever won anything by going frantic, and this is all about WINNING. That's all it can be about, since the alternative is certain death. That's all any of it is about...LIFE or death.

  5. WTF! I made the mistake of opening the link above, my laptop locked up and now I think it's possessed by Satan. That's some scary shit. The world would be a better place if that fucker ate a bullet.

    1. Fucktards like that have worked their entire lives to bring us to this point.

  6. My commemts are not directed ar you.
    The mistake is on my part.
    Often I post, as if U am engaged in a conversation where everyone is involved in from the beginning.
    The source of my piss and vinegar is directed at all those shitbag pretenders you and many others warned us about, time and time again.

  7. Please, I wish to bounce an idea off all of you. All of us in this community and the Alt. media, have been waiting for a false flag event we know will be used. We watch and prepare while not seeing that they "TPTB" unleashed a false flag many years ago and we live with it every day. I believe that it is not an event but a person and that person is "the Obama man." That's right, our pResident and chief. If you list the properties and results of a false flag and compare it to the accomplishments of the Obama man, I think you will find that "TPTB" could not have created a better tool for their world destruction. A false flag we could see, feel the effects of, it's power and yet never truly aware it was in play. Sorry to rant like this but I had to say it to someone. Thanks.

    1. "That's right, our pResident and chief. If you list the properties and results of a false flag and compare it to the accomplishments of the Obama man, I think you will find that 'TPTB' could not have created a better tool for their world destruction."

      Monster analysis. I for one think that's exactly right, and he's been a wonderful distraction for them. IOW the plan seems to be working well, ideally even.

      Too bad for them it's the Information Age now, and so that plan will ultimately fail.

      I mean, really...a guy with HIS skillset is going to take over America? It's amazing anyone at all bought into it. The reason the masses did buy into it BTW, is because they want it so badly. More precisely, because they've been taught that they ought to want it so badly.

  8. I usually only vent in one spot, but given the direction of this post, I am making an exception.
    This is NOT directed at you, K, or likely not most others who read it here. However, given the events of the past weeks, and what is likely in the next week or so... consider it... vent follows:
    Anyone recognize this law?
    "Under Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) any US citizen that knowingly assists an illegal alien, provides them with employment, food, water or shelter has committed a felony. City, county or State officials that declare their jurisdictions to be "Open Cities, Counties or States are subject to arrest; as are law enforcement agencies who chose not to enforce this law."
    "Police officers who ignore officials who violate Section 8 USC 1324[a](1)(A)[iv][b](iii) are committing a Section 274 federal felony. Furthermore, according to Federal Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952, if you live in a city, county or State that refuses to enforce the law for whatever reason, the officials making those rules are financially liable for any crime committed within their jurisdiction by an illegal alien."
    Yeah,  I know....  
    Grandpa is curious,  as to whether or not anyone in this goatfuck that used to be a Constitutional Republic, is actually 1) aware of the fucking law, and 2) armed and pissed off enough to start standing up?  I guaranfuckingtee our founding fathers would be shooting by now. I'm calling you out, I guess. This act of treason AGAIN from your president should have your panties in such a wad that your pussy hurts. Stop posting on the intardweb and go buy rope and ammo or shut the fuck up."
    And now I return you to your regularly scheduled program...


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