Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Evil, Stupid & Ignorant make a dangerous cocktail...

If you do not recognize and understand this picture in a glance - you are under-educated in History and reality, and you are unqualified to prognosticate about the goals of Bad People, especially on a global scale.

Good job, Karl.



  1. I'm a 53 year old US Army vet and I don't know the story of this pic....please explain.

    1. 62 yo USMC and "cold war" vet here... post-WWII Germany - possibly Berlin prior to the wall... away from checkpoints, each zone had troops posted to "protect their border" = keep people from escaping to freedom...no, I was never in Europe but served with some who had been and post-discharge worked with a german national... she had pics and stories... btw, the "cold war" never ended but don't tell anyone... some enjoy the fantasy of unicorns, pixie dust and such...

    2. Gregg - follow the link to Karl's place, then through to his source for the details. Prepping Preacher has us by a few years - he was alive and old enough to be ringside while this stuff was happening. As he mentions - it never ended, it simply evolved. Sadly, at this moment, Evil has just about snuffed out all competition. When PP, You and I are dead, how many High School kids today will ever know the truth about the Evil that grips the planet...

      ...we are fooked.


    3. Thanks PP. I did my last half of my first 3 years AD in Germany in the early 80's, SVC BTRY, 3/35 FA, 72nd FA BDE. I thought that particular picture had some significant meaning other than the obvious.

    4. So try not to get dead, and maybe they'll get to know. Dying Well may be a great thing, but surely Living Well is even better. Patton: Let the other guy sacrifice.

    5. I realize your question about high school kids was rhetorical but I know of 3 kids who will - the grkids we're homeschooling... heh

      yes, "the spark" burns here and we're doing what we can to ensure there's a bed of coals prepared for it to burn in them

      Chaplain IIIPSA III to III

  2. Thanks for the link. Legal Insurrection gets the credit for the photo.

    1. And you get credit for helping disseminate it, as you do so well on the topic of Communism. It is refreshing to know a few people still recognize it for what it is.

  3. For the record: There is nothing wrong in being "ignorant" - the word simply means "lacking knowledge and/or information". "Under-educated" can be remedied as well, by those who choose to dig into History to understand that ISIS and the "Caliphate" and "Abortion" and so many other topics of discussion in America every day spring from the same root system, most easily described in a single word as "Communism". There are many flavors, many branches of that tree and root system, but they all lead back and feed from the tap root.

    Every single person who thinks it is morally acceptable that you be forced to surrender anything in your life for another person, is practicing Evil. They can call it anything they wish, sugar-coat it, put lipstick on the pig - but it is Evil.

    And there is only one solution to Evil.

    1. Kill it with extreme prejudice...

    2. "Every single person who thinks it is morally acceptable that you be forced to surrender anything in your life for another person, is practicing Evil."

      Bravo. Masterfully put for any social context, emphasis on "ANYTHING."


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