Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, July 25, 2014

J.C. Dodge: III Percent Society

I met J.C. finally at Brock's last PatCon, along with his wonderful girlfriend.

I know many of you have met him and trained with him, many want to train with him (you can), and many, many of you read and trust his word.

J.C. has published a piece regarding the III Percent Society, here.

He's accepted a seat on the Board of Directors. 

He's offered a discount to all III Percent Society members for training - that is how serious he takes this Society.  We are not a club.  We are not Oathkeepers or NRA.  We are not even JPFO, a group many of us hold in high regard.

We are III.

You know what that means.  You know our responsibility. 

We are John Parker.

Here's the post.


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