Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, July 18, 2014

Faith: Endeavor to persevere

Two videos every III Patriot should see, now.

If your Faith wavers, you waver.

You can't afford that when life itself is on the line.

Here's the link.


PS: The III Percent Society home page should resolve sometime in the next 24 hours.  http://www.iiipercentsociety.com


  1. Thanks for the recommend and the link K!
    Together, and with God as our navigator, we can overcome anything.

    Paul L.
    III Chaplain Corps

    1. Well Done Paul...Sent it to a few people let's see if they respond and join in the fight for right and liberty...

    2. Thanks lineman, much appreciated!
      over 254 views referred from this post today ... pretty darn good!

      Paul L.
      III Chaplain Corps

  2. Thanks for the compliment and the correction. I also misspelled ensue as insure. Corrections will appear in the next iteration ...

    Paul L.
    III Chaplain Corps
    (Yes, I need to use the darn speel-chucker)

  3. Way to go Paul! Will these be linked to youtube? If you do a search of III% on there you get maybe 10 vids. We need to have thousands out there.

  4. They are on YouTube! I have my channel where I upload them into YouTube. I'm tagging them with III Percent and III Percent Society for America (as well as the III Chaplain Corps). I guess I need to start adding 3% and III% to get the hits!
    BTW, Thanks for your kind words, they are deeply appreciated!


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