Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

We the III

**NOTE**  I had to correct my language down below to be more precise.  Thank you sir for the heads-up.


I began blogging May, 2010.  You know me.

You know that no organization, no man, has the right or authority or power to determine if you are a III Patriot.  Only YOU decide that.  My definition is simple - if you would have stood on the Green in 1775 with John Parker, you are III.

Right now folks I am about as tired as I have ever been.  Brock's PatCon this spring was a working event, and I don't think I've had a chance to catch my breath yet.  On top of it all, H and I are working to shut down this house and get ourselves to Idaho.  I can't wait to show you pics of the studio.

Please forgive the scattershot nature of this post.  I'll probably release a more focused one this evening.

First: We have established an official III Chaplain Corps.  We'll provide a proper roll-out when everything is ready, for now my thanks to Prepping Preacher and Paul Lemmen who took point, saw a need, and did the work.  Whatever your personal views of religion, few of us would disagree with the values, morals and ethics that run consistently through true religions.  The III is now a better organization.


I think it is safe to say that you and I agree the III must be much more than merely a political entity.  We need to organize and whether it is Bunkerville and cattle or Georgia and a baby that has had a flashbang in the face, III boots sometimes need to be on the ground - demanding Justice, getting the truth out to Americans and the world,  and doing our duty as Patriots.  We are III.  We are Everywhere.

And now - we are coming.

There now exists an official III National Organization with a simple Mission Statement that will allow us to do our duty.  That Mission Statement is: The restoration of Rightful Liberty in America.

It is simple and it is broad for several reasons.  We Patriots now have our own III National Organization so we do not need to hold out our hands like a charity case when there is work to be done.  We are officially establishing as a 501(c)(4) which is a designation that matters to IRS.  It means that the money we raise is Federally tax exempt when we spend it on acts supporting our Mission Statement, and it means our donors never have to be revealed to anyone.  This is the big leagues, folks.

As the first order of business during our initial conversation, we appointed elected the three required Officers of the organization: Miss Violet is our Secretary, Alan Mullenax is our Treasurer, and I am humbly our first President.  Lest you think as President I am able to be a dictator - not so much.  A few Board of Director positions were filled discussed last night.  Over time, members of our Patriot Community will be tapped to serve on the Board of Directors and to fill other critical organizational roles to fulfill the mission of the Organization as membership grows.  The Board of Directors and the Bylaws, which have yet to be written, will determine how Board members can/will be elected to the Board.  Bylaws have significant power in the management and operation of a serious non-profit.  Among those present last night: Concerned American, the Trainer, J.C. Dodge of Mason-Dixon Tactical, HK, Miss Violet, Alan Mullenax, and Randy Bartlett. Jim Miller would have been there but for technical difficulties.

This organization that launched is exactly what we discussed a few days ago on this blog.  It will soon begin accepting members and dues so the III has a revenue stream to accomplish the Mission and goals of the Organization.  When the bylaws are finished and the methodology for becoming a Board Member is solidified, I hope many of you consider Board positions to help guide YOUR organization.  The Liberty Support Team and the Tactical Operations Center (T.O.C.) will be just one example of the III Organization making a National presence at hotspots on issues/events significant to the III community.

There is a LOT of work still to be done and lots of positions to be filled.  The bylaws need to be extra-tight.  The bylaws are like a road map - the bylaws say where the organization may and may not go, and how it may or may not get there.  But every single member in this organization will have a voice.

I will lead from the front, as you have always seen me do.  It is well past the time the III merely talked.  Our pursuit of Jefferson's Rightful Liberty either means something, or it means nothing.  On my Life, my Fortune and my Sacred Honor, it means something to me.

More later, Patriots.

The days of the III doing nothing are over.

We are III.  We are Everywhere.  And, we are coming...



  1. Prayers for our success!
    I am humbled at your accolade and I likewise affirm on my life, my fortune and my sacred honor my belief and intent in the truthful pursuit of the Restoration of Rightful Liberty. I also do the same for the revival of American society and renewal of the American Republic, so help me God.
    I agree with the consensus of folks that I have consulted in the need to exclude only one soi-disant 'religion' from membership in the III Chaplain Corps, that being the cult of Islam.

  2. cbc.ca
    Wow, look at how well gun-control works in Canada: 3 RCMP officers dead, 2 wounded in Moncton, N.B., Shooting/ June 4, 2014: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/3-rcmp-officers-dead-2-wounded-in-moncton-shooting-1.2665359

    That is so fucking cool! Look at him walking around the utopia of safety that is gun-control Canada, strolling in his LBE with an M-14 and M-4.

  3. Two from Drudge(today): Leaked Images Reveal Children Warehoused in Crowded U.S. Cells, Border Patrol Overwhelmed – breitbart.com/Breitbart-Texas/2014/06/05/Leaked-Images-Reveal-Children-Warehoused-in-Crowded-US-Cells-Border-Patrol-Overwhelmed

    DHS renews non-deportation policy for Dreamers: washingtontimes.com/news/2014/jun/5/dhs-renews-non-deportation-policy-dreamers/?1


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