Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Habersham Baby

There is going to be a rally for the baby who was flash-banged in Habersham County Georgia.

CA has the details, here.

Yes, folks - this is exactly the sort of event that should have boots being deployed by the National III Org.  Maybe not a full T.O.C. - but a significant presence and a definite agenda and a definite "Mission Accomplished" goal.

This is why we III are organizing.  Because we intend to begin showing up at places of evil with the intent of holding people accountable.

Until we get fully ramped up - if you can be there, do it.



  1. God (and finances) willing, I will have boots on the ground in Georgia. Cell Phone camera in hand, I'll email photos and videos via unseen. If anyone else is going please email me at lemmen at unseen and we'll co-ordinate meet-up. It's about a 8-10 hr drive for me so timing is essential.

    1. So I am blocked from going. Will any of you step up and take the torch I have been forced to drop?


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