Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, June 8, 2014

III Officer Corps

Some of you are in Command positions of Militia, or Tribes, or just your family.  Some of you may find yourself suddenly looked at as Patton by your frightened neighbors who have heard rumors that hordes from the hood are coming to rape, pillage and plunder.

Okie dokie.

The United States Marine Corps has a school where they teach Officers the basics.  It is called, in refreshingly non-acronym .mil style - The Basic School.

I've made a few notes in italics.  Next time you like to fancy yourself ready to lead a team of hard-chagrining Militiamen into the teeth of the enemy for Liberty, ask yourself one simple question: Are you ready to lead Men?

And you NCOs know leading Men is not magically imparted with that O paygrade...

Here's the course program:

Phase I (7 Weeks):
Individual Skills Leadership
Rifle/Pistol Qualification - You should be better than 80% of the men you are leading into combat
Land Navigation - You really can use that compass, at night, while men are hunting you, yes?
Communications - Leaving this purely to your Comms guy is not what Commanders do...
Combat Lifesaving - You don't need to be as good as a real medic - but you should be better than most of the men you are leading...
Combat Hunter Mindset - Google it.  Killing a man is not as simple as you think - nor is it usually any real drama to the Soul (Murder does injure the Soul - but not killing)

Phase II (6 Weeks):
Rifle Squad Leader Skills Decision-making
Combined Arms
Rifle Squad Tactics/Weapons

Phase III (6 Weeks):
Rifle Platoon Commander Skills Rifle Platoon Tactics
Convoy Operations
Crew-served weapons

Phase IV (7 Weeks):
Basic MAGTF Officer Skills MOUT
Rifle Platoon (REIN) Tactics
Force Protection
Expeditionary Operations (AMFEX)
Legal/Platoon Cmdr’s Admin

We need not be professional, career military men.  We need common sense and basics.




  1. I'm wrking on a post for III Chaplain Corps blog that addresses the difference between murder and killing, especially as it relates to conflict and the warrior.

  2. Here's the upshot---"you should be better than most of the men you are leading..." At whatever you're leading, of course. Division of labor.

    All of the men, technically. Otherwise it's the wrong leader.

    1. Actually, after studying and applying leadership over a period of almost 40 years, I've not found that to be true in virtually all cases. There were many leaders worthy of respect that I could run circles around in various tasks or skill sets, and many people I led who could do the same to me. One of my leaders in a previous life was 30 years my senior. There was no way he could do what we did. However, there wasn't a man among us who wouldn't step in front of several bullets at a time for him. And he was very, very, very strict in his behavior. Not your 'good time buddy' kind of a guy, if you catch my drift. What was important was that my leaders and then later, when it was my time to lead, were 'out there' with the team, sweating through the same thing they were enduring. Congratulating them when the did achieve more than I did; cajoling them when they didn't try as hard as I knew they could. Being there. With them. Then, making sure they were fed and watered first.

      Actions. Example. Genuine Concern.

      Effective leadership encompasses the ability to inspire and encourate your team; It encompasses the ability to communicate to the team that they matter to the leader, and that the leader knows who they are as people, even knowing the signficant chance that during team activities, one or all may not make it to the other side of the court.

      The man or woman that can do that is an effective leader. No matter the activity or environment.

    2. My late father, a WWII vet of D-Day where, as a platoon sergeant, he led his men ashore and until he was wounded 11 days later (after losing 80% of his men) led them aggressively against the Germans always taught me that any leader has three priorities that are (in descending importance):
      In my life I used this every day. As a Priest, it made me much more effective, concentrating on my mission first, caring for my people second and only after those important and needful efforts were completed did I look after my own needs. The only time I lost sight of this is when I was at the lowest point in my life and I was truly not a leader at that time.

  3. Any leader will know his strengths and weaknesses. He will find those who possess the ability he lacks and divide the labor with them, always remaining in command overall because he is the leader and possesses the ability to knowingly send men in harm's way that may never return. Weak men cannot do this. Men incapable of knowing their own weaknesses are dangerous and weak in character and make very poor leaders. If you know your history of the civil war, you will see a succession of Generals in the North that are perfect examples of this. Garrison administrators or adept politicians. NOT leaders in conflict. Examples to avoid. Examples to emulate: Gen. Stonewall Jackson and Gen. J.E.B. Stuart from CSA and U.S. Grant (who proved himself as a General in conflict but a corrupt and ineffective administrator as President) and William Tecumseh Sherman for his ferocity and daring. Robert E. Lee is a strong contender as is Nathan Bedford Forrest. Meade and Sheridan merit honorable mentions.

  4. For those who would lead, a few 'required reading' items dealing specifically with leadership. There are many others, to be sure, however, these help the LGoP team leader understand what 'command' entails. Leaders, contrary to conventional wisdom, are not 'born'; rather, they're trained, and along the way they learn that occupying a position of leadership entails more sacrifice and dedication than that required to gain entrance to the team/group being led.

    In no particular order:

    "Leadership and Training for the Fight," by Paul R. Howe

    "Small Unit Leadership: A Commonsense Approach," by Dandridge M. Malone

    "The Passion of Command,"Col BP McCoy, USMC

    "Muddy Boots Leadership: Real Life Stories and Personal Examples of Good, Bad, and Unexpected Results," Maj John Chapman, USA (Ret)

    "Robert E. Lee on Leadership : Executive Lessons in Character, Courage, and Vision," by H.W. Crocker III

    1. Excellent choices one and all. I would add any of the Army manuals from the officer's basic course.


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