Folks, I suck.
I talked to Eric a week or more ago, and I am just now getting to the post.
His copy is below - it's simple. Comment ON THIS THREAD and Eric will pick a winner at random for the 9MM Battle Pack from his shop.
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9MM Battle Pack |
is giving away a 300
round package of 9mm ammo from PMC. To enter, simply comment on this post
and tell folks what you do to store and transport your ammo. Do you have a plan
if you had to pack up and leave your home with ammunition in hand today? We'll
pick a random commenter to win the ammo on June 12.
I curreltly just put it in a ammocan
ReplyDeleteI store boxes and loose rounds in ammocans. With silica gelpacks.
ReplyDeleteLoaded mags are stored in banoleers and east german backpacks. (10-12 mags per) for easy distribution.
I do a vac-pack when I get bulk and just sharpie the count on the bag. A .30 ammo can is the normal carry.
ReplyDeleteI usually have at least 600rds loaded in mags stored in ammo cans, 1000 rds on stripper clips I vacuum seal 3 clips together and store them as many will fit in ammo cans...The rest I store loose...Usually I try and vacuum 300rds per package and then fit 3 of them in a 50 cal can...Thats just with my .223...The others I store a little different...
ReplyDeleteMy problem is with this solution is that they appear to be FMJ. If I was going to save some 9mm for post collapse I would want it to be +P hollow points.
ReplyDeleteI'm good with FMJ - it'll feed in any 9MM you pick up on the battlefield, and shot placement matters more than expansion, every day of the week. ;)
DeleteYou are right, there are some guns out there that just won't feed hollow points. But, I've talked to to many people who put multiple FMJ in some jihadi and had to wait for someone with a rifle to actually put him down. Shot placement is alway important, especially with a 9mm but that is a goal, not something you can count on happening every time. The Army went to EFMJ for a reason. EFMJ is pricey but it will feed in anything and still expand. Would that satisfy us both.
DeleteI bought a bunch of .50cal ammo cans, one for each caliber, I just grab those out of the safe and go. I shoot it faster then it corrodes right now :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great way to store ammo. Vacuum sealing is the frosting.
ReplyDeleteBulk ammo stored on stripper clips in bandoleers in USGI ammo cans with silica gel absorbent. USGI 30 and 50 cal cans are convenient size for storage and transport. Loaded mags stored in various milsurp shoulder bags.
ReplyDeleteAs several have mentioned, ammo can storage is the way to go, and of course keeping them in a relatively constant temperature. I use a mix of military surplus and commercially acquired plastic for bulk. I ain't saying how much or what calibers though as that gets into 'nunya' territory ;-)
ReplyDeleteDon't have to worry about going anywhere of consequence as I'm too old and broken down to do so.
OTB MCPO sends............
I vacuum seal my rifle rounds and put them in an ammo can. 9mm go in the ammo can with dessicant them in to a russian ammo crate.
ReplyDeleteAmmo cans. Sturdy, with a good handle.
ReplyDeleteAmmo cans at home and vac paks on the boat.
ReplyDeleteI have some ammo in ammo cans, some ammo in plastic rubbermaid containers (can't be too large or they are too heavy and bust the handles out, but they do keep moisture out) and of course, my BOB has ammo in it.
ReplyDeleteMiss Violet
MTM O-ring sealed ammo cans with single-key padlock set, caliber-specific can(s) loadout, lined up and ready to go.
ReplyDeleteI use ammo cans.
ReplyDeleteVacuum seal. Then vacuum seal again. Jhp or 5.56 pokes through the first layer when moved sometimes. Then in 50cal cans.
ReplyDeleteThat's what's not in my mags and a small supply on hand
Btw prefer step stay anon but you can call me ringo.
I got a few ammocans with good seals. I use "Rust Blox" tabs from Brownell's instead of silica gel packs because of the high humidity environment in South Texas. Once a year I inspect the ammo and toss in a new Rust Blox tab.
In case of a Hurricane Bug out. I rent a Penske moving van and load up the ammo cans, household goods, stored food, clothes, important papers, etc. Living in hurricane country really means facing a real bug out.
In a SHTF bug out. Get the ammo, repeat some of the above process and drive like hell.
all i got left i can carry in two ammo cans
ReplyDeletea relative cleaned me out on ammo and other preps and gear
while i was laid up in the hospital after a accident
i will never be able to replace what is gone
i used dessicant packs in ammo cans vac packing
stayed away from pvc tubes as they seem to develope lots of moisture when stored outdoors or buried have buried ammo cans and ammo tubes after spraying the outsides with automotive undercoating or truck bed liner time consuming to open but works really well
had some russian 22lr in heavy plastic lined paper packages that held up for 8 years laying outdoors exposed to the elements
from the looks in the picture this stuff should last a long time as long as package doesn't get a hole in it
kinda like mre's
i come here from wirecutter's
livin to ride
Most of my >223/5.56 is already in battlepacks. If it isn't, then it is vacsealed in 30 round packs.
ReplyDeleteThe 9mm I vacuum seal in packs of 20, the .45 in packs of 15. If ammo isn't in a plastic battlepack already then it is stored (in the vacsealed pouch) in an ammo can, clearly labeled (using different colors of spray paint and Sharpie marker) and stored below ground level in a room that is fairly cool year round (never less than 40, never more than 70.
Ammo cans stack and carry well, and are easy to pack for transport.
I've got the bulk of mine in heavy duty plastic cans with waterproof seals, the rest are in magazines in my Maxpedition side carry bag, with another 500 rounds in bandoleers in my assault pack.
ReplyDeleteHave a plan? C'mon we all know the best laid plans go out the window when the first bullet is fired. My plan is to make people think I have a plan, but in reality I don't have a plan, but plan to keep planning this way so that I feel as if I truly have a plan that dupes all people of said plan. :)
ReplyDeleteIn Liberty,
I keep all ammo stored in GI cans with dessicant. I'll take what I need for the range in a spare ammo can, and replace the dessicant when I'm finished. Mags are store loaded in six-pack bandoleers
ReplyDeleteAlso I use ammo cans. Will vac pac 9mm is bags of 100 and store
ReplyDeletein ammo cans
I use ammo cans, and full magazines in a side pouch of my probable Bug Out Guns. I have ammo cans separated and marked by ammo, and a couple of "assorted" cans I can grab if I need an assortment.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment the only ammo I have is in the five magazines I have for my G19.
ReplyDeleteMy 75rds. of shotgun ammunition is stored in a Rubbermaid tote. Sad...I know
I'm with Israel... no seriously I am.
ReplyDeleteBOB? Battery operated boy... oh bug out bag... my bad.
Ammo cans with silca gelpacks.
ReplyDeleteHello, Eric, Sam and Agent Smith,
ReplyDeleteI would never buy or keep anything that would be of any use in resisting tyranny, and if I did, I most certainly would not prefer the 5.45mm platform due to material cost savings/greater stockpile when evaluating the platform plus training ammo and stockpile. The fact that large quantities of surplus ammo already come in metal cans intended for long term storage would only be a bonus.
I am a fan of the battle pack concept, and would consider having some .223 in it, but I don't think it really translates well to pistol ammo...if you need a battle ready resupply of 300 rounds of 9mm, you're using the wrong platform. And if it is for training, might as well just have the tin can.
I am pleasantly surprised to hear how many are doing their custom vac seal of what works best for them and their situation. If I were a product designer, I would consider a 210 round battle back, with 4 to an ammo can. Full basic load for 2 buddy teams in a can. Do many of you expect to carry a basic load 3 full mags higher than the army standard?
Ammo cans with some delicious desiccant pouches. That way I have something to eat too!
ReplyDeleteAmmo cans, most of my ammo is in 30&50cal cans, my pistol ammo is in a 40mm can, that said, too much to realistically haul, a while back there was mandatory evacuation due to a forest fire. My nephews cherokee was sagging a bit as he had the ammo detail. What ain't on my chest rig is in cans.
ReplyDeleteMostly I do what others prolly do. I have ammo cans ready to go and all mags always loaded and packed. That's the best I can do I guess.
I vote for The Steel Ibeam.I use Cabelas ammo cans with extra mags thrown in on top.I also store them in different locations because just in case.
ReplyDeleteI keep my ammo in milsurp ammo cans with dessicant.I transport it in the same cans.
ReplyDeleteAmmo cans. Carry loaded mags in back pack and have some on a vest. Have various areas on the farm with stashes. As to leaving... my main focus is getting back home, once there I'll make my stand for good or ill.
ReplyDeleteI also use the Cabelas ammo cans. they're light, watertight and free when you buy 1000 rounds of 7.62x39! I have 75% at my primary house and the 25% at my retreat 2 1/2 hours away.
ReplyDeleteI just use ammo cans and dessicant too. Never thought of vacuum sealing...
ReplyDeleteTwo votes for me!!! And for the record, what he said. No, not him...him! Yeah you, that's how I plan too!
ReplyDeleteIn Liberty,
P.S. To kind of quote Monty Python: Search for the Holy Grail, "All my stuff is buried under the aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"
No quotes allowed! I take back my vote.
DeleteNo quotes allowed! I take back my vote.
DeleteHave at last count approx. 75 mags of various calibers loaded ready to go.
ReplyDelete8x30 on the front of the vest, 1 in the rifle. Pre-staged ammo and mags between here and what I would consider my fall back location. One of the tubes holds a spare rifle and nearly 1000rds of blanks :-(...thanks to a very similar cardboard box around the stripper clips and a very exhausting trek and dig. Something that needs to be fixed shortly.
ReplyDeleteHowdy Sam,
ReplyDeleteI have all of my ammo in military ammo cans. The majority in the .50 cal size. Each can has at least one dessicant bag placed inside. Every three months the dessicant bags get rotated with ones that have gone thru the 220 degree heat to remove the moisture. I also check the rounds for any sign of rust. When I go on the road and will be shooting, I take a spare .50 cal can and place all the rounds that I will be using for the day in there.
Kevin of Rockford Illinois. One of the guys in your first class last year.
Hey everyone, this is Eric from over at Thank you for sharing your ammo storage ideas with the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteWe had 43 comments total, which is awesome. I ran the tool at to pick a number between 1 and 43. It selected "22". Then, counting through the comments, I see "Wirecutter" as the 22nd comment. Congrats, Wirecutter!
I'll be emailing him to get him his 9mm ammo. Thanks again to everyone. I hope you're having a great summer and it was awesome to hear from you all.