We are establishing a dealer account with Morovision. They use ITT parts in their gear.
They have a full range of Night Vision systems, including FLIR.

We have an initial purchase/opening order to satisfy. This gear is not inexpensive. If anyone is considering a NV purchase, take a look at their website and let us know if you'd like to be part of the initial order. If so - we will not ask for payment until we have everyone in the queue so we can place the order and have them ship immediately. They may even drop-ship directly to you (not certain about that yet.)
Plan on paying the retail price on their site. We can PROBABLY get a bit of a discount, but I'm not making any promises.
Here's their site.
Let me know in comments or email what unit you are considering.
I have the PVS-14 that they have; I bought mine from Ready Made Resources, on sale, for $2495 - - - right now RMR has them going for $2895, $600 cheaper than Morovision (same item, same GEN3, and RMR throws in weapon site mountings).
ReplyDeleteGood price. I "expect" to be able to come under list (The manufacturers retail price is always the highest - dealers get to reduce) but I have no idea how much. So I don't want to make any promises. Even if we get to offer below manufacturers price, there are many, many dealers out there that buy in larger quantities, so they'll be able to reduce further than we.
DeleteI'm also checking into branding from the factory.
Fuzzy - how to you like the vision quality,. durability, etc of the unit?
DeleteThe Gen3 PVS14 is a sweet set up. Sure, it's not quite as good as GI issue, but it's spot on deadly...the area of view is nice, and the detail is very good. I've used it for night shooting against coyotes down here in AZ, and I could still be accurate out to 100+ yards with it mounted on my Mauser .30-06. As a hand-held for sneak and peak, it's wonderful....was out camping some time ago with my Bro-in-Law and challenged him to a sneak competition...me with the PVS, and him "defending" with a high-lumen spotlight. I wore a desert ghillie and had the PVS. The challenge was to get within 20' of him before he spotted me. I got caught at about 35'....the ability to clearly see terrain, when he was focused with his light in another direction was a major plus....I could move forward by 25 yard jumps when he was scanning away from my bearing. The battery life is pretty good...if you're going on a major op where you plan to use it for 4-5 hours straight, you'd want to replace batteries each op, just in case. I used mine for a full 3 hours on the sneak-and-peak with no degradation. Durability seems fine.....I bounced up and down, slung it from its lanyard, moved forward and dropped to the ground and never had a problem with it. I love it; well worth the expense; a major force multiplier IMHO.
DeleteI'm waiting on a Gen 1 NV gunsight from Don Boettcher. Paid $375 shipped. Will live on a .308 and is guaranteed for 2 years. You can check it out here:
It's a green screen, however, green screens from his dealer are being phased out. If you're on a tight budget like I am, it's a great deal. When I get it and set it up I'll post what it does. Also Don made a video to explain NV and it's uses for those unfamiliar with the tech it's available from him for $25 and can save a lot of hours on your equipment by viewing it.
I've had a Gen 1 monocular/scope for years. Guys who were introduced to night vision gear with Gen2/3/4 often say stuff like "If all you've got is first gen, throw it away - it's better to have nothing." That's just silly. I can see and move much more efficiently using ambient (in the 'burbs, and a good moon in the woods) with Gen 1 than without.
DeleteWhen I add Gen 3 to my kit, my Gen 1 will go in H's kit until I can get her a matching Gen 3. Once that happens, I'll find a Patriot who has nothing in NV and gift the Gen 1 to him. It has served me very well for nearly a decade.
ReplyDeleteCan you give any addition information about how and why you are choosing to go with Moro vs any other NV dealer option? I was going to buy something from jrh who Rawles recommends, and have heard good things about the quality of their pvs14s, but can wait. If all else (price/quality/service) is equal, would prefer to give the business to III.
Thank you.
I went with Morovision for several reasons. First, they use ITT products, which is as good as it gets according to everything I've encountered. They have good customer service according to people who have used them. They are a high-quantity dealer, so I'm hoping to get better discounts. Finally - reviews on durability of products in the field have been solid.
DeleteAll that said - I have not field tested any of their products yet. I'm going purely off research. If the unit from JRH has ITT guts, and a good rep for durability, and a good price, I can't see any problems.