I finally decided to pull the trigger.
When we go old school (and the Grid doesn't have to go down to go old school once in a while) my personal correspondence will be adorned with an old-fashioned wax seal.
Mine is 1.5 inch oval, copper head, the handle is high-polish black Zebra marble.

My first two attempts with wax were absolute Fails, so I'll have to play with it for a while.
Here's the one the company made for me - it looks damned good. And different color wax can accentuate detail.
One of the primary reasons I bought it is much more important than the old-school sealing of papers.
There are III Patriots and Militia (Just so you Militia guys know - The fact that you are Organized Militia means, without a shadow of doubt, you are a III Patriot. But I'll continue to make the distinction for a while) who will be receiving letters of thanks, letters of commendation, and other correspondence from me that deserves a personal touch. You Patriots will see this wax seal first. And a few Enemies of Liberty will probably become familiar with it as well...
I am proud to stand among you all.
Something you need to know, those wax seals on envelopes get caught by the automated sorting machines at the Post Office. Seriously increases your chances of having your letter shredded by the machines.
Envelope with seal inside an envelope without a seal. Nothing to catch. The kicker from what I read is the postal service being hard on packages thus cracking the seal. This refers back to my "test" I spoke about 6+months ago when we entertained the thought.
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