Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Are you behaving any differently?

I designate two events in our immediate past that are fights in RevWarIII.

On October 13, 2013 at the WWII Memorial in Washington DC a few thousand American Patriots went to the National Mall.  It was an unarmed event.  But what made this event notable, different from many others, and what I consider to be the first official engagement of RevWarIII is that it wasn't a march.  It wasn't merely raised voices.  Patriots went with a goal - to knock the barrycades over and let vets inside.  Then that event evolved into something different from all the others because one man in the crowd raised his voice with the now-legendary words "To the White House!"  You know this man.  I won't identify him, though it probably doesn't matter at this point.  As a result, American Patriots did not simply protest, they picked up those Barry-cades and did not simply set them aside.  They were Returned to Sender.  They were dropped at the front and rear entrances of the White House.  And on that day, Regime forces also stood down in the face of Patriots.

How do you spell "Return to Sender"?  F. U. C. K.  Y. O. U.

The second engagement of RevWarIII was April 12th, 2014 on a patch of desert where no man could have predicted the first armed confrontation between forces in this war.  Bunkerville was the first time, perhaps since 1865, that American Patriots armed themselves, prepared for battle, resigned themselves to a deathfight if it became necessary, stood and were counted, against the Federal Government.

Bunkerville marked a turning-point in the war.  I find it unlikely any genuine III Patriots will ever again attend a protest without arms.  There will be more protests, and some of them will be unarmed, such as the coming May 16th Operation American Spring.  But I posit that the people who will attend OAS unarmed are not likely III Patriots.  Remember what defines the III Patriot from all others - the genuine intent to fight if necessary.  Anyone protesting today without arms is telegraphing that they are not ready or willing to fight, at least not yet.

But men who are willing to fight have now taken the field, prepared for that fight.  That was Bunkerville.

The question to III Patriots: Understanding that RevWarIII is now underway (Not just by way of reasoning of Patriots - you can bet your arse any future event will find Regime forces ready for a real fight)  have you changed your behaviors in any way?  Are there things you do now, or will not do now, with the realities of Bunkerville in our past?

I'm going to add a box on the sidebar to list RevWarIII engagements.  We'll add to it as engagements occur.  Remember there will be lulls, and time gaps between engagements perhaps measuring in years.  In our first Revolution against the King the Stamp Act was 1765, a decade before Lexington.  The Boston Massacre was 1770 - five full years before Lexington.  The Tea Party wasn't until 1773.  And more than a year elapsed from the time John Parker and his men stood tall and the men in Philadelphia declared Independence.

Do not be fooled by seeming inactivity.  The Enemies of Liberty are working tirelessly.

They mean to prosecute this war.  They mean to avenge their humiliation at Bunkerville.

What are you doing differently now as compared to pre-Bundy?



  1. Sam,

    I'd like to see you do a piece on CQB vs a serious dog. Seems likely Patriots will be meeting Mr K-9 or a thug's rottie or pit bull before it's all over, and knowing what to do empty handed *before* it clamped on is probably good. Thanks if you can...


    1. http://iiiguerrilla.blogspot.com/2014/05/dogs.html

    2. Outstanding Sam. Thanks...


    3. You're welcome. Sorry I probably included far more than you wanted, but I took the opportunity to cover the entire dog equation and to give the family fur-babies some screen time. ;)

      I hope some of it was useful. I actually hated writing it - killing a dog F's me up. But it is an important topic.

  2. I've doubled my daily intake of opposition and defiance suppliments...

  3. "What are you doing differently now as compared to pre-Bundy?"

    With regard to War, changed "will be" to "is."

  4. Your question should be taken to be rhetorical by the intuitive.....because answering in this medium is volunteering to be part of the first casualty list....

    Just sayin'....

    1. Yep - nobody should indict himself.

    2. Yeah, can't make it too easy. OTOH this War is different than others. For me, it's the War Against Tyranny and I don't see much reason to keep that a secret.

      Unlike virtually all wars for many centuries, this one is not against any particular government. Indeed, I'm pretty sure that many involved in the so-called Resistance, view themselves as the defenders OF a government. I know all Restorationists do.

      Funny situation...that could be a matter of semantics or maybe someone's declaration. In any event, as transparency appears to be the most potent weapon out there currently, I see no point in not using it, particularly since it's a rare weapon that doesn't draw blood. At least not upon its direct use, it doesn't.

    3. your comment made me smile - anyone who visits here with any regularity,and voices anything remotely resembling even sympathy for the ideals and principles expressed herein are already past indictment... i believe we've most all been assuredly marked for both surveillance and some kind of future action... but hey, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean you're not being watched... lol

    4. And then, on the matter of Treason, considering that the government of the USofA IS the Constitution--that's the whole point of Rule of Law and not Rule of Men, duh--there can be little debate as to who have been the treasonous parties during this Candid Exchange of Views. I mean c'mon...this has been a Renegade "government" for as long as any of us have been alive. It's just gone to slap-in-your-face levels in recent years; that's the only thing that's changed.

      In my lingo, Treason is the betrayal--through either physical means or conceptual means--of me directly, or a Team or Side with whom I've chosen association in a war-like situation...by someone representing themselves to be on the same Team or Side. DTG, do you think that's close?

    5. PP: We know you're on a few lists - rabble-rouser. ;)

  5. Johnny Havoc IIIMay 3, 2014 at 6:42 PM

    Early in your article you mentioned that Bunkerville was perhaps the first time since 1865 that arms were taken up by Americans against Americans. I thought you and your readers might like to know about this little known piece of history concerning a miner's war in West Virginia. While this engagement was primarily miners versus owners and their enforcers over working conditions, the Feds did deploy US Army troops to the fight, complete with air support.


    1. Thank you, Johnny. That fight was less about FedGov than the mining dispute, though as I read it the Feds helped put an end to it.

      Thank you for the link - this is a piece of history I didn't know. It was a big deal - wonder why it wasn't in any of my history books in school.

    2. i'd suspect it was kept from public view for much the same reason 0bama's real life has been kept from the American people - it was/is simply bad for business in a most literal sense...


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