Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Spring NC PatCon

Brock's North Carolina PatCon is just two months away!

We'll have several wonderful speakers on Saturday, including Concerned American.

This event will be packed with training opportunities including Sam Culper on Thursday, Grenadier1 on Friday (3pm-6pm), and I will host CQB again on Friday (10ish until about 2:30, with a lunch break and a rest before Grenadier1 begins his class).  I will teach the full Fight to your Weapon course to new students, and a strong refresher and new techniques to returning students, and I am very proud that two of our III 300 Patriots will share some of their Krav Maga techniques learned since the last PatCon!

As usual, if you have already taken my CQB class, you may participate again free.  The fee for new students is still $208, 1/2 of which we will donate to Brock to help keep these important PatCons  happening.  Again this spring Brock has put together a wonderful cache of prizes for the raffle.

If there is any way for you to attend, even if only for one day, I encourage all Patriots to make it happen.  Meeting fellow Patriots face-to-face is rewarding and beneficial.  Our evening campfire discussions are always fun and informative.

Here's the link to Brock's place, where you will find much more detail.

If you are a new student planning to attend my CQB course, please send the fee directly to Brock.  If you are a returning student and plan to go through the class again, please zip Brock an email or leave a comment on his site so he can have a rough idea how many people we'll have in the group.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks and we should have John Ainsworth and Sam Culper speaking twice on difference subjects.


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