Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Serious III Patriots: Grid-Down Communications, Volume 1

Comms may prove to be the skillset that determines the difference between victory and defeat for Patriots.

Sparks has put together a book on the topic.  I'm ordering my copy.

When a Patriot takes the time and effort to share his knowledge with us, it is a gift.

Get your copy, here.


1 comment:

  1. comms are indeed crucial - the tap code used by pow's highlights it's importance... info was shared, morale was lifted by contact with others, cohesion of those in similar fate was strengthened...

    I'm dragging some old skills out of mothballs to combine them with new ones to be learned in the Ct Comms Class next month... I've reviewed Sparks' book and, for me, it appears to be a suitable primer... even Helen Keller learned to communicate with at least one other person...

    Prepping Preacher - KC1BEP (final decision on equipment will be made after the Comms Class)

    III to III


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