Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, February 21, 2014

Lives, Fortunes, Sacred Honor

When Alexander landed in Persia he ordered his ships burned. Thus, his men had but one way home - through the enemy.  The man was hardcore. 

Many of you are probably wondering why Holly and I have been extending the timeline for moving into Benewah County.  I won't bore you with the many details, but I will tell you this: Holly and I have recently chosen to burn our ships on the beach.  We are leaving our Maryland home, forever.  We are totally, irrevocably, invested in the success of the Citadel Project.

Right this moment we have some absolutely wonderful people in St. Maries remodeling our Studio, and we will be able to open soon after arriving in our new home.  The Citadel & III Arms Projects continue to advance like a wide and deep river - still waters run deep. 

Like so many of you, we are in this for our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.

If you are still waiting to see how many people fully commit to the Citadel Project, you are watching it happen.  Holly and I just happen to be more public than most.

We'll see you in St. Maries.

Our One Week series will continue shortly.


1 comment:

  1. May the Good Lord bestow his Blessings on you. If there's anything me or Miss Lisa can do to help your transition, just holler.


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