Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Comms Email

Last night I sent an email to a small test audience of Patriots regarding contact protocols during SHTF/WRoL.  I have learned that many of you have particular frequencies that you intend to monitor for generic traffic - and if you hear someone that you want to contact in reply, you have means to go to more private frequencies/methods.

Thanks for the insights.  I am still very early in this aspect of my comms learning curve.



  1. Kerodin,


    I am interested in 'meter radio' setups instead of standard ham radio that requires a license.
    As I understand it, two meter radio's are basically CB's on steroids and you can add amplifiers. The range can be limited (100-300 miles) depending on atmospheric conditions, and solar activity, however simplicity, portability and low cost (one ICOM unit was under $200.00 on ebay, brand new) make the two meter an attractive alternative to traditional ham.
    I can see the advantage of citizens of the citadel and other 'like minded communities" in using two meter radio's for their choice of com's.

    I am open to opinions on two meter radio setups, good and bad if anyone wants to throw their two cents in worth.

  2. Capt. Crunch,

    It appears that you've been misinformed. 2 meter & 70 cm (144 & 440) UHF/VHF both require a ham licence. And using repeaters or internet nodes can go across the country or around the world. HF: 10 meter (m), 20 m, 40 m, 60 m, 75 m, 80 m, etc. all can require different (higher) levels of ham licences.
    Only CB Marine band radio's don't require a lic. Even the little walkie~talkies you buy at Walmart or Cabella's that are FMRS/GMRS have a license inside that you're supposed to fill out and submit to FCC along with $25.00 (nearly nobody does).
    Also you should note that anyone, anywhere can use any radio or frequency available during an emergency. But if you have a ham licence or at least read the 1st book you'll at least hav an idea how to operate a decent radio.

    If you're a III% er or a survivalist and don't know how to operate ham radio's you're way behind the 8 ball. (Whether or not you take the ARRL's test and pay the FCC is a different story).


    1. VICTOR,


      I appreciate the feedback and input. I am behind 'the curve' on communication. I have to admit with all the other 'priorities in life, its daunting challenge that will take time, resources and money to overcome.


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