Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Citadel High School:Mandatory Class

I've not posted much recently regarding the Citadel.  The primary reason is because there is so much happening beneath the radar that isn't ready for public consumption.  But make no mistake, the project is screaming forward.  You can get a glimpse by looking at the current polls at right.  Entrepreneurs, pilots, medical professionals and more are headed for Benewah County.  That's jobs and revenue and infrastructure.  Holly and I are headed that way very soon, we'll be there working on the Studio before Christmas, but we haven't been putting too many specifics online.

Kenny recently allowed people an insight to the curriculum at Citadel High School: You can see it here.

Hell yeah!  Testosterone is coming back to America.  Count on it!


1 comment:

  1. You know, that was titled tongue-in-cheek but I can remember when I was in school we had fun in gym class beating the crap out of each other with those hard rubber balls, or wrestling, or boxing.
    From what I understand, now they don't have that stuff around anymore in fear of the children's egos being hurt if they lost.
    No wonder the US isn't competitive anymore.


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