Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Ammunition: You do NOT have enough.

I am fond of the .308 cartridge.

You have read my below posts about how many armed men with badges/guns/law/authoritah who stand between you and Liberty, at a minimum.

Now, go ask Max, JC or Mosby that in a firefight at the Team level, either 2 men or 4 men, how many bullets they fired for every combatant they took out of the fight.  These are not spray & pray guys - these are some of the best the US Military puts in the field to kill armed men.

How many shots, rounds sent downrange, per kill?

Now ask yourself - do you wait until payday to buy another case, or do you go tomorrow?



  1. Some thoughts:

    - Most ammo owned now should be used for practice, practice, practice, and more and when buying more should replace the expended ammo.

    - When people ask me how much ammo I carry on my kit, I tell them: "All I'll need for the rest of my life..." and that's really how it should be viewed because once SHTF, what you have on you is what you can count on. Re-supply is a different issue altogether and won't necessarily be a guarantee and gives credence to the old axiom, "If you die first, we're splitting up your gear."

    - Don't overload your kit with so much ammo you can't move or you can only move a short distance. Carrying 360 rounds of 7.62X51 is about the outside ede of capability for most people. When carrying a M1A, a battlebelt, a ruck, and water, doing three miles as quiet as possible in the woods or on a two-track doing a timed ruck walk will definitely whisper in your ear, 'mooooooooore PT!' Folks who load 500 rounds or more of 7.62 will most likely dump it or keel over, unless they really, really, really work at being in good shape.

    - For GOOD scenarios, consider having only one .50 cal can full of your chosen caliber to throw into the vehicle for each rifle/carbine and one can per two pistols, caliber notwithstanding. Remember, anything you put in your vehicle has to be able to be carried if/when your vehicle no longer works. That's most likely an additional 20 pounds or more per person in addition to their kit and ruck.

    - Practice time both dry and wet in realistic conditions in all weather and both day and night environments with kit oncannot be over emphasized when it comes to putting bad people down.

    - Occasionally, with help, try to get some range time in with elevated heart and respiration rates. You'll see a world of differrence between the accuracy demonstrated on known distance ranges when relaxed and that when your heart is pounding in your ears and breathing is hard. For the first few times, you'll see the number of good hits drop by about 80% on average.

    - Put optics...good ones....on your platform. More hits at longer distances. Lots of good choices out there all with pros and cons.

    I'm sure there are many more good ideas out there....these are just off the top of my head.

    1. Good words and sound advice from The Trainer.

      "When people ask me how much ammo I carry on my kit, I tell them: "All I'll need for the rest of my life..." Truer words have never been stated.

      Just picked up a "little more" this week. Money well spent.


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