Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

much Fuck You in your future...

Sorry folks, as stated elsewhere on this site, posts pertaining to MBV have been moved where they belong, to the garbage site.

I love a man who runs his mouth then tries to hide behind .FedGov laws to try and make the big, bad Kerodin go away.

Stupid fucks.



  1. Ya know, now that I think of it, keyboard commandoes technically cant have their panties in a wad since they are goin commando behind a keyboard...or maybe thats the reality is that they wear panties. :)

    Well stated Sam. It is quite the shame that we cannot just get a fuckin break. Its almost as if just when we pick up momentum, some assclown decides to throw down a speed bump. In all that transpired in the past two days, I would hope you know where I stand.

    I am sure our forefathers didnt agree with one another and thats okay.

    Iam sure we all at some point in the III will not agree with one another and thats okay.

    It is what ties us together and allows us to understand that somedays we wont see eye to eye but have a job to do.
    In Liberty,

  2. You are sadly lacking in anything decent, you poor bastard. Ex-con, liar, shuckster and a stalker. Just how quickly did you spurt your wad challenging them? III-er my ass.

  3. III More than You: No. Use your real name and you can say anything you want. But cowards hiding behind anonymous names belong at Sipsey, not here in the presence of men.


  4. See Israel who posted above you? Use him as an example of what men are like. He can say anything he wants to me, he's earned it by being a man.

    You - not so much.


  5. Stay focused K. Like Israel said there will always be ass-clowns in your way, don't dignify them with an acknowledgement. There are those of us who can think for ourselves and know what the truth is and who stands where and for what. 'III more than YOU' is just another one of those who is a mediocre mind who gets their panties in a twist when you start using more than 2 syllable words. As an old friend of mine once said "don't let the bastards get you down."

    MAJ Wolf


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