Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, October 11, 2013

III Arms AR Owners - Show your gear!

For everyone who has rec'd their III Arms Minuteman 15 and had a chance to put several hundred rounds through it to break it in - how about some feedback?!  Send in pics and I'll post.  Don't be afraid of hurting our feelings if anything was amiss - this is a newborn baby and Jim Miller is an absolute perfectionist.

Let's see what you've got!



  1. My brother has put about 80 rounds through his, and a nickle covered 5 rounds at 25 yards when he was sighting it in. He's taking it grouse hunting this weekend - not the kind of hunting that needs to be done, but at least he's getting familiar with it. No pics yet, but I'll send some on when he gets them to me.
    Chuck Myhre

  2. That is sexy, if I had the money to buy one I would. Best of luck. We are praying for your success.


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