Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, September 2, 2013

CQB: Upcoming Classes

Citadel PatCom - Saturday & Sunday September 7 & 8

Luzerne Michigan - 14th & 15th (slots still open, email me and I'll put you in touch with our host)

Brock's PatCom - October 4th weekend - if you haven't touched base with Brock yet about your attendance at his Must Do event, please drop him a note and a check to help him cover the expenses of food and tent and such.

My thanks to everyone who has scheduled classes.  I'd like to get a few scheduled for the remainder of October and November, so if anyone is considering a class, let me know.


1 comment:

  1. Luzerne MI. The site of a chilling double murder of 2 downstate hunters who met their fate one night in a bar parking lot. They were beaten to death with baseball bats,while witnesses turned a blind eye. Then run thru a wood chipper into a hog pen to be eaten by swine. Their truck was chopped up and parted out. The case remained open for 20 years until a deathbed confession solved the mystery of the missing men. The book "Darker than Night" was written by the investigating detective to explain the nightmarish event.


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