Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, July 19, 2013


**UPDATE** - At first read of the President's remarks, I say he is cooking something big behind the scenes - we may not know "what" for a while, but it will be even bigger than his Mental Health expansion of Prohibited Persons...

Just my gut-read.


Something 2A is brewing from the FedGov level, using Martin case as the predicate.

It may be nothing...

...it may be something.



  1. Obama said, “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."

    One could do a lot with that quote.

    1. I went right there with you - then walked away from the computer. I've already had my indictment for this lifetime. ;)


    2. I changed that post three times before I hit publish.

    3. “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago."
      I see the pot smoking, wannabe thug, outsider corelation there, the disconnect happens when I try to picture Trayvon in the privileged “Red Diaper” socialist indoctrination from child birth preschool, the daily call to prayer and recitals of the quraan and the silver platter delivery of acceptance with scholarships to the vaunted halls of academia, maybe he meant in 35 years a pot smoking, wannabe thug with no education could become president? I guess stranger things could happen.
      Rd III

    4. Then I guess I shouldn't say what I was going to..? I didn't think twice about it, but evidently I was wrong. Free speech? Guess that's gone also.

  2. Where do you even start with that speech? Off the top of my head:
    *I bet his advisors told him to keep his yap shut on the T/M case, but His Smugness couldn't do it.
    *Would Trayvon have stood his ground if he had a gun, well, from what I've read about his background, yes, if you consider every 7-eleven and quickmart "his ground", not to mention anyone he caught in an alley.
    *I don't consider a mother taking her dead son's name and trademarking it, as acting "graciously".
    *One way to support black, young men in this country would be to quit paying black, young women to become welfare queens and encouraging them to marry decent men who can raise decent black men.
    *As if his daughters, in their protective little world, had a clue, about the real world and how it spins.
    *All that federal training he wants all the states to give their LEOs, in other words, states toe the line, cause you're just Fed Gov's bitch and you will do what we say.

    He is very determined that Federal policies are going to rule with an iron fist. He makes Lincoln look like cream puff. He has to produce on gun control because that is the only way he can pull this pile of socialist puke off. Our guns are the blow torch to his iron fist. I say we cut it off, melt it down and make yard art out of it. ;)

    Okay, that's my rant for the day, I'll go fill a few dozen mason jars now. ;)

    Miss Violet

    1. Well he knows nobody will look at the news from tonight till monday so he threw some gas on the would pile to make sure it lights over the weekend.


    2. Our President soooooooo wanted a White Man to kill Martin.

      How very, very sad.


    3. I say we cut it off, melt it down and make yard art out of it. ;)

      Now that is good.:)

    4. Would the Obamanation allow one of his daughters to marry TM before all this? I think not, TM would have been to "low class" for them.

  3. Check out the cartoon over at NCRenegade. I nearly fell in the floor and rupture my spleen.

  4. I believe this is gonna be a two-fer; Goal #1). Not just 2A but this is a smoke screen to end the fundamental right of self defense. Goal #2). To bolster goal #1 by inciting wide spread rioting and further division in the country (culminating in Marshall Law). A ton of rioting and beatings are going on since the acquittal behind the scenes that his media won't touch.



  5. Holder's speech the day after the ruling revealed publicly what we all knew - the trial was more about the Monopoly of Violence and who is entitled to defend Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

    And that is NOT you or me, Patriots.


  6. Yeah, I like how Obama said if there were any acts of violence happening he would say something about it, well, there has been plenty of violence and he is silent.

    The fact is, they just keep pushing, pushing federal power. They are trying, and succeeding in establishing federal precedent over every aspect of our lives, wiping out state's rights and individual's rights.

    I told my husband last night if we don't see blood in the streets in our lifetimes, I will die quite surprised.
    Miss Violet

  7. Sara commented over at my blog something about 'Only under Obama can a brown man kill a black man and the white man gets blamed for it.'

  8. I think Obama is trying to start a race war. I think he and the LSM are pressing for it. Then he can get his Marshall law and be president as long as he wants.


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