Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Texas CQB: Dallas/Austin Area August 24

Folks, we have 3 solid Patriots in the Austin area signed up for August 24th for our CQB course.  They are willing to travel to Dallas if needed, so if any of you would like to go through the III CQB course in Texas, let me know if you can make it on the 24th.

Holly and I will be in Dallas on business, so we can host the class there, or ideally, host the class in nearby Austin.  But we'll play the actual location by ear - what we need is just a few more Dallas/Austin AO Patriots for the class.  Zip me an email if this works for you.

Alabama: We are a definite Go for August 3rd just northwest of Birmingham - so anyone who would like to join in, let me know and I'll put you in touch with the local Point Man.

Florida: Ft. Lauderdale is a definite Go on August 17th.  If you want to join in - let me know.

September at the Citadel Beachhead is becoming a "Thing" and we are looking forward to it.  There will be a CQB class, and all are welcome to bring a tent and camp under the September Idaho skies with us for a few days as we start putting plans in motion.  If you intend to do the CQB class, let me know or just hit the PayPal at right.  **SPECIAL NOTE - PAY FLIPPIN' ATTENTION**:  If you intend to come to the Idaho gig armed, and there is no reason you should not, there is one rule that you MAY NOT VIOLATE - You MUST maintain physical, actual, bodily control of your weapon(s) at all times.  If you are packing a sidearm, holster it to your body or lock it in your vehicle.  (You MAY NOT carry a firearm during CQB class).  If you are carrying a long arm, sling it and KEEP IT THERE, or lock it in your truck.  I can not permit anyone to fall into a "constructive possession" beef as I walk the property.  Leaning your rifle against a tree and walking away is a No-Go.  One more thing - there may well be media attention showing up on site.  They may shoot pics or video while hiding in the trees and you may end up on HuffPo (or the St. Maries Gazette - they don't like us, right Mr. Hammes) for being a dangerous extremist cavorting with the Dread Pirate Kerodin.  Just so you know...

October: North Carolina at Brock's PatCon.  You need to be there.  ;)  I will be teaching, as will others.  Brock's gig is wall-to-wall Patriots, good food, and more.  Liberty remains alive so long as WE refuse to let it die.



  1. Would Mr Hammes be that asshole Razor?

    1. Anything s possible. We "know" Mr. Hammes is the "Editor" of the local paper, the St. Maries Gazette, and we know he has no need for facts before publishing a "news" story in his paper, and he keeps running hit pieces against the Citadel, and me and HK personally.

      I wouldn't put it past him to write anonymously under a screen name like Razor.

      Either way, he's just another media puke that cares more about selling papers than facts.


    2. Have you ever known an honest member of MSM?


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