Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, June 17, 2013

III Arms Raffle

I have taken everyone's name who entered the raffle and assigned each a number of 1-20.

Major Wolf - would you do the honor of picking a number of 1-20 and posting it as a comment on this thread, please?

I'll announce the winner tonight.

Holly and I will be away from comms most of the day and evening, but I'll be able to read Kerodin@Kerodin.com email, so if you need me in an emergency, zip me a message.

Folks, I usually stay within a narrow emotional range, I am pretty even-keeled - but without giving away details, I can tell you right now I am pinging the happy-dance meter.  I can't wait until we can clue everyone in!

Yours in Liberty,



  1. I hope your dance is better than Kenny's...

  2. Will you be posting video of said happy dance? Y'all are going to knock it out of the ballpark.

  3. From happy dance, to ...well...should I even ask what you did when you got that news today?
    Yeah....figured. ;-)

  4. K,

    Of course the number I would pick is 3.

  5. Wolf, thats funny since that is the number I picked. Hmmn? Quite odd to pick such a number in the Patriot blogsphere. :)

    So I hear a buzz about TV appearance? Could it be a Pay Preview event of Sam doing the happy dance? I might actually pay to see that.
    In Liberty,

  6. Israel,

    I know it was predictable to pick 3 but considered it more appropriate than 3.14159265358979323842


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